09-20-99 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING of SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 - 7 PM 1. Call Meeting to order: Park & Rec. Chair, called the Park & Rec. Meeting to order. 2. Roll Call: Jeff Bartheld, Chair, Tom Constant - Vice Chair, Tony Faust, Sue Kroll, Michael Day. Tom Baillargeon was absent. 3. Any Agenda Changes: Jay & Carol Swanson were added to the agenda. A. July Minutes B. August Minutes Nicole Martin motioned to continue Park & Rec. Minutes for the July and August to the October meeting. Tony Faust seconded. Motion carried. 5. Open Forum: There was discussion of having a snowmobile theme for the Winterfest next time. Nicole Martin motioned to set the date of January 15th, 2000, for the Winterfest celebration. Tony Faust seconded. Motion carried. Jay & Carol Swanson offered their tractor and driver for the haunted house hayride. Also they will talk with the snowmobile club and report back to the Committee at the October meeting. 6. Mike Robertson, City Administrator: Mr. Robertson will talk to the Otsego Elementary Principle about extending the bike trail to the school. 7. Nicole Martin, Budget Advisor: Nicole recommended that the Park & Rec. Committee drop the transportation for Ride the Rec. and move the $800.00 budgeted for transportation to entertainment for the Park & Rec. Committee. CITY OF OTSEGO PARK & REC. MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1999, Page 3 parkmec.wps