11-10-99 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING of NOVEMBER 10, 1999 1. Call Meeting to order: Chair Jeff Bartheld call the meeting to order. 2. Roll Call: Members Present: Absent: Jeff Bartheld - Chair Tom Constant - Vice Chair Sue Kroll Mike Day Tony Faust Tom Baillargeon 3. Changes or Additions to the Agenda: There were no Changes to the Agenda. 4. Review Park & Rec. Minutes: A. August 30th, 1999 B. September 20th, 1999 Motion was made to defer the minutes until the next meeting. 5. Open Forum• No one spoke. 6. Community Recreation: No Items. ►/ ;is•r.si :iii i M M, 8. Mark Berning, City Council Representative: A. Mark Berning reported that Council adopted a Resolution acknowledging the contributions of the Park & Recreation Commission commending them on the 1999 Haunted House. B. There will be a Budget Meeting November 29th, 1999, for the year 2000. The Park & Rec. Commission needs to present their budget items by then. C. Bulow Project - The Commission definitely wants the trail fees and has told Chris Bulow that at a previous meeting with him. CITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 10, 1999 PAGE 2 9. Appointment of new Budget Advisor: A. Mike Day agreed to take the position as Budget Advisor. B. The Commission is looking for Park & Recreation Members. 10. Park & Recreation Eventse A. Haunted House 99 - Gave final report and submitted all bills regarding the haunted house. 1. Motion was made to give Jay Swanson a $50.00 gift certificate to Timothy's for use of his two wagons and a tractor (gas) for the hay rides the evening of the event. Motion was approved unanimously. 2. The Commission had a good brainstorming session with some new ideas. B. Jay Swanson spoke to the Commission about the snowmobile club. They are in need of help. They can not operate alone. They may consider having a radar run. It was agreed they would sponsor the medallion hunt and help with food and hill.. C. Agreed no radar run - no event - will decide at the next meeting. 11. Building Sub -Committee: There was discussion regarding having electric run to the park shelter. 12, Adjourn: Motion was made to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. PARKNREC.WPS