12-08-99 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1999 7:OOPM 1. Call to Order Chair Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM. 2. Roll Call Commissioners: Jeff Bartheld, Sue Kroll, Mike Day, and Tom Constant. Councilmemhers: Council representative Mark Berning arrived at 7:40 p.m. Councilmember Suzanne Ackerman left at 7:25 p.m. City Staff: Michael Robertson, City Administrator. 3. Approval of Agfa Commissioner Constant, seconded by Day, moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Carried 4-0. 4. Review Minutes of Previous Meetings, Commissioner Kroll, seconded by Constant, moved to approve the August Park & Recreation minutes. Carried 4-0. Commissioner Day, seconded by Constant, moved to approve the September Park & Recreation minutes. Carried 4-0. Commissioner Constant, seconded by Kroll, moved to approve the October Park & Recreation minutes. Carried 4-0. Commissioner Constant, seconded by Day, moved to approve the November Park & Recreation minutes with one change. Carried 4-0. 5. Open Forum Jay Swanson of Great River Riders Snowmobile Association was present to discuss the Association's participation in the Winterfest. It was agreed that the Association would put on a "Radar Run" for snowmobiles. The Association will also do the concessions, which will consist of chili, hot dogs, candy, and pop. The Park & Recreation Commission will do the Medallion Hunt, provide some games for small children, and assist with the other events. The Radar Run will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A track for the Radar Run has been graded at the west end of Prairie Park. The charge for each run will be three dollars. Mike Robertson contacted Larry Kramka of the DNR and found out no permit was needed from them. Jay Swanson will obtain a permit from the Wright County Sheriffs office. Robertson said that as long as someone from the Sheriffs office was there Page 2 - Park & Recreation Commission Minutes of December 8, 1999 in uniform he would regard that as adequate security. Jay will provide an insurance certificate from the Wright County Snowmobile Association to Robertson. Profits will be divided between the Association and the Park & Recreation Commission after the Association's expenses have been paid. 6. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Robertson informed the Commissioners that the City approved their budget request. He indicated that the Council asked that all capital spending requests go through the Council, and that the request for bleachers is on the next Council agenda. He indicated that the Council had approved someone from the City Planner's firm attending the meetings to work on the Trail Plan and future park planning. Robertson stated that the developer of the Luconic property will be asking the City Council if they can donate the swamp as park land in lieu of park fees. Commissioners were in consensus that they would rather have the park fees. Robertson updated Commissioners on the status of other developments in the City. 7. Mark Berning,Coun it Real Representative Councilmember Berning discussed the City's budget and noted that Council was happy with the way the Park & Recreation Commission was doing things. 8. Mike Day, Budget Advisor Nothing to report. Mike will meet with Gary Groen, Judy Hudson, & Mike Robertson on Monday, January 24, 2000 at 5:00 p.m. to review the Park & Recreation Commission budget. 9. Park & Rec Events A. Winterfest Discussed earlier. 10. 2000 Vision Discussion Commissioners discussed several items they wanted to work on in 2000 including; finishing the Trail Plan, establishing future park locations, and tying City trails together with County and regional trails. 11. Adjourn Commissioner Constant, seconded by Day, moved to adjourn at 8:30. Carried 4-0. Michael Robertson City Administrator 05