01-19-00 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY JANUARY 19, 2000 7:00 P.M. 1. Chair Jeff Bartheld called meeting to order 2. ROLL CALL 3. Additions or changes to agenda (5.) a. Three Rivers Soccer Association b. Park shelter 4. a. Review minutes of the last meeting Motion was made by Tom Constant to approve second by Mike Day. Motion passed 5. Open Forum a. Three Rivers Soccer Association Three Rivers Soccer Association has offered a grant to water our soccer field. Although the grant did not include an amount city staff will start collecting the data to see what the cost of this would be. Mike Roberston will follow up. b. Park shelter Mike Roberston is working on the park shelter and starting to detail it out. It may be ready for bids next month. 6. Mike Gair - MFRA Swenson - Hartell Property Development Mike Gair made a presentation on the Swenson Hartell properties. Mississippi Pines as it is called is 245 acres and 3,000 feet river frontage. Access to this site will enter from CoRd #39 and Kadler. One goal of this project is to preserve as many trees and landscaping as possible. This site is projected for 71 new home sites. Private trail ways have been included in the development. Trails will not be of any bituminous surface and limited to access to residents only. Approximate 30 open acres on Kadler is offered to the city in hopes it would be used as park area. 7. Elaine Norin Jeff Bartheld talked in length about developing this property public camp site. Contructioned with about twenty camp sites. Ten acres would be needed to build this project. Tom Baillargeon made motion to form a sub committee to research the possibilities, second by Tom Constant. Passed Jeff, Tony and Tom Constant will form the committee. 8. Michelle Berge - Community Rec. Michelle was not able to attend this meeting. She sent a proposal for the 2000 budget for commission to review. Mike noticed that there is still money for ride the rec that is not on this budget. Mike will talk to Michelle about it.. 9. Mark Berning - City Council Suzanne Ackerman has relay to the commission that the council would like the park trail and dedication fees to be addressed. An article for the Star News was reviewed. Tom Baillargeon made motion to have city planner begin the process in collecting the data needed to raise park and trail dedication fees, seconded Tom Constant. Passed. Mike Roberston has received some complaints from snowmobile use. It appears that the problem is not from people that use the trail along Parish. 10. Park & Rec. Events Winterfest has been canceled because lack of snow. 11. Newsworthy Items Tom Constants will aproach the snowmobile club and ask if they would supply Star News with the snowmobile regulations for publication. 12. Adjourn by 10 P.M. Tom Baillargeon moved to adjourn, second Mike Day. Passed Submitted, Thomas Baillar eon Thomas Baillargeon secretary