02-09-00 PRCity of Otsego Park and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Wednesday, February 9, 2000 7:00 PM 1. Chair Jeff Batheld called meeting to order 2. ROLL CALL 3. Additions on changes to agenda a. Mike Roden Three Rivers Soccer Assoc. b. Mike Day web page Tom Baillargeon made motion to accept the additions to the the agenda, second Tom Constant. Passed 4. Review minutes of January meeting Motion made by Sue Kroll to approve the minutes as drafted, second by Mike Day. Motion Passed 5. Election of commission officers Election of officers was held with all former commissioners retaining their elected positions from their previous terms by motion that passed. 6. Open forum A. Mike Roden Three River Soccer Assos. The present association is looking at this growth to double in the short further. All fields are being used and should supply the need for about the next two years. They have collected fees each year to develop new and existing fields. This assoc. would offer grant money to irrigate one full size field and a reduced field here in Otsego Prarie Park. It appears that there is enough room for both in this park. Also there is a bill (house File # 2733) in the House for additional grant money. Mike will keep us informed on the progress of this. A money amount was discussed and the city engineer will look into the costs of watering these fields. Mike will share the information as to who, what and where for starting this process of applying for the grant. (see attachment) B. Mike Day produced information from Otsego Michigan web page. He would like to see the city follow this and start a web site for our city. The information will be passed on to staff. 7. Mississippi Pines Park Land, Mike Gair Mike Gair made a presentation again with regards to the 30 acres of open space required by ordinance they could donate to city for park development. Tom Baillargeon read the comp plan as to the plans for this district. It appears that the commission is looking to develop the boat landing for a recreation, park and landing in to a park. Tom further read the definition of a neighborhood park from the park plan. The discussion was if this acreage could be used to make this plan complete. After much discussion Tom Baillargeon moved to accept the cash for fees in lue of the land as offered, seconded Mike Day. Motion Carried. 8. Norin Property Would like city staff to approach Elaine Norin about her property and the PRC's interest. 9. City Planner Dan Licht and Cynthia Putz Yang were introduced. They will be working on the comp plan to update as needed. Likewise collecting the data for dedication and trail fees. Discussion continued on a neighbor hood park and camp ground near the boat landing. Dan supplied the state requirements for a campground. (see attachment) More data will be collected and further discussion will continue. 9.1 Park Planning Tom Baillargeon would like to start the planning for the well area into a small park. This area may include a trail, picnic and tot lots areas. Dan offered to help in preparing the data for this project. 10. Michelle Berge Community Recreation Michelle gave a presentation and review. Winter was as great success. Spring activities are already starting to fill. Would like to expand the tee ball program this summer. 10.1 Ride The Recreation The amount of money remaining in the grant has not been located. It's still Possible to have a six week program again this summer. Jeff Barth moved to accept the ride the rec proposal once a week for six weeks with entertainment include and eliminate the bus and allow the parents to supply the transportation and the commission would review their budget to help supplement this program, second Tony Faust. Motion passed Motion by Tom Baillargeon was made to spend $1000.00 for entertainment for ride the rec., second Tom Constant. Motion carried. Further meetings will address the advertising for this event 10.2 Other Community Recreation Items Nothing else. 11. Mark Beming City Council Representative Nothing to report. 12. Mike Day Budget Advisor Mike is still collecting the revenue data but appears the PRC has fallen below our project revenue. Mike would like to break out more of what is spent and what our revenue was. Mike moved to have city staff place Merlin's files in an area to be accessible to the commission. Second Tom Baillargeon. Passed 13. Any newsworthy Items Jeff will contact the Star 14. Adjourn By 10:00 PM Tom Baillargeon moved Tom Constant seconded. Passed. Submitted, Thomas Baillargeon Sec.