09-13-00 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES September 13, 2000 - 7:00 PM 1. .hair Jeff Bartheld will call meeting to order, Chair Bartheld called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation ommi ion: Jeff Bartheld, Mike Day, Tom Constant, and Tony Faust. Absent: Tom Baillargeon and Sue Kroll. oun ;1m ra: Council Representative Richard Nichols. City Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson and City Planners Dan Licht and Cynthia Putz-Yang. July 12, 2000 Minutes- The July minutes were approved as presented. Community Recreation - Michelle Bergh was not present. A mini ra or Rob r sonpdp ate - Robertson said construction of the Park Shelter had just begun. Park Ea inment - Commissioners were in consensus to purchase 4 swings and 4 spring toys for Otsego Prairie Park. Robertson said he would make certain the equipment was not delivered until after Haunted House. Budget - Robertson updated Commissioners on Council approval of the preliminary budget. Otsego County Park - Robertson updated Commissioners on his recent meeting with the County regarding overcrowding in the County Park. County officials noted that the County Park is at its maximum use, and no other equipment or facilities are planned to be added. There was discussion of some possible limited expansion of the parking lot. County officials would like to create an additional small parking lot in the Antelope Park subdivision and tie some open space in that subdivision into the County Park. They would then encourage people who are using the County Park only for biking or roller blading to use the second parking lot. County officials also noted that expansion of uses at Otsego Prairie Park would draw users away from the County Park. Commissioners thought that when the park shelter was finished that it would create demand for Prairie Park. City Planner 1ndate - City Planners Dan Licht and Cynthia Putz-Yang reviewed the Trail Comprehensive Plan. After minor changes the Commissioners were satisfied with the Plan and asked that a hearing be set up with the Planning Commission. It was agreed that the hearing would be early in 2001. New Development - Dan Licht updated commissioners on the proposed Stonegate development. Council Ttems - Councilmember Nichols updated the Commission on recent Council actions. Haunted House - Commissioners discussed the Haunted House plans. Win rf - Commissioners set Winterfest for Saturday, January 20, 2001. Robertson said City staff would work with Commissioners to set up a snowmobile run. Adjour m n - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Faust, moved to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Carried 4-0. Michael Robertson, City Administrator