10-11-00 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 2000 - 7:00 PM 1. Chair Jeff Bartheld will call meeting to order. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Jeff Bartheld, Tom Constant, Tony Faust, and Mike Day. Absent: Tom Baillargeon. Councilmembers: Council Representative Richard Nichols. City Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. Aaenda Apnroval - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Day, moved to accept the agenda as presented. Carried 4-0. Sentember 13, 2000 Minutes - Chair Bartheld noted that there were no minutes of the September 13, 2000 meeting because Secretary Baillargeon had not been present. Administrator Robertson said he would try to find his notes of the meeting and produce some minutes. Sue Kroll Resignation - Chair Bartheld noted with regret that Commissioner Kroll had resigned due to having too many things to do. The Chair requested that Robertson write her a letter of thanks for her service. Community Recreation - Michelle Bergh was not present. Commissioners discussed some things they wanted Community Recreation to do at the Haunted House event. Administrator Rob r on Update - Robertson updated Commissioners on the construction of the Park Shelter in Prairie Park, the purchase of trees for Prairie Park, and the commercial development proposal by Marly Glines for the intersection of County Road 39 and Highway 101. Picnic Tab1 s - Commissioner Day, seconded by Commissioner Faust, recommended that the Council authorize the purchase of 12 picnic tables for the park shelter. Carried 4-0. Wright -Hennepin Electric bid - The Commission asked Robertson to find out whether Wright -Hennepin Electric's bid for 3 -Phase power was coming from City Hall or was a whole new service. WinterFest - Commissioners discussed the tasks needed to be completed for the Winterfest celebration on Saturday, January 20, 2001. Haunted Hous - Commissioners discussed the final tasks needed to be completed for the upcoming Haunted House. Adjournment - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Faust, moved to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Carried 4-0. Michael Robertson, City Administrator