11-08-00 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 2000 - 7:00 PM 1 Chair jef f Ba hale will call meeting to order_ The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation O mission: Jeff Bartheld, Tom Constant, Tom Baillargeon, and Mike Day. Absent: Tony Faust. Coun ilm mb rG: Council Representative Richard Nichols and Councilmember Suzanne Ackerman. ity Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. Agenda Approval - Commissioner Baillargeon, seconded by Commissioner Constant, moved to accept the agenda as presented. Carried 4-0. Se,otemb r 1 000 Minuteg - Commissioner Baillargeon, seconded by Commissioner Day, moved to approve the minutes as amended. Carried 4-0. O ob r 11, 2000 Minutes - Commissioner Baillargeon, seconded by Commissioner Constant, moved to approve the minutes as amended. Carried 4-0. Open Fn -rim - Commissioner Day introduced Steve Tatros and Mark Hansen, two people interested in joining the Commission who were present to observe. Special Annoiinrement - Chair Bartheld announced his resignation from the Park Commission effective December 13, 2000. Everyone present spoke of Jeff's dedication, energy, leadership and how he would be greatly missed. Administrator Rohertson Tjudate - Robertson updated Commissioners on the park equipment and new developments. Commissioners asked for an updated copy of the proposed 2001 budget. Wriaht-Hennc=D n Plertrir.bid - Robertson noted he had not found out the information the Commissioners wanted. Council j�recenta iva Richard Nichols - Praised the effort on the Haunted House and indicated that he was really impressed by all aspects of it. Haunted House wrap - Robertson indicated the Haunted House made $3,500.71, a new record. Commissioners thought that the people supplied by Community Recreation had provided little help and were in agreement that next year they would not seek any assistance. There was much discussion of how to reduce the amount of work required on the Haunted House. Commissioner Day noted that they had more volunteer help this year and that they have to aggressively keep this going. Commissioners discussed the need to put dust control down before they begin construction next year. Chair Bartheld said he would provide a list of volunteer names and addresses to Robertson and Robertson said he would draft thank you letters for Jeff's signature. Winterfest - Commissioners discussed whether or not to have a medallion hunt, ice sculpturing, and a coloring contest. Commissioner Constant said that the Otsego Snowmobile Club had signed up the Rockford Club to help out with the Radar Run, since they had experience putting one on. Ice Skating Rink - Commissioners were in agreement if it did not get colder in the next few weeks they probably would not be able to create the rink this year. Commissioners asked Robertson to obtain an adapter which would connect the Prairie Park well to the fire hoses they have. Park Shelter Update - Robertson indicated the shelter was finished except for the roof ridge and the restoration. He said he would call the contractor about the finish work. Robertson said he would check around for the best kind of picnic tables to order for the shelter. Prairie Park Signs - Chair Bartheld said he thought that some road signs for Prairie Park had been ordered and asked Robertson to find out if they were stored somewhere. Adjournment - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Day, moved to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. Carried 4- 0. Michael Robertson, City Administrator