10-14CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2010-14 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DRAW ON LETTER OF CREDIT ISSUED BY 211T CENTURY BANK ON BEHALF OF APPELLO GROUP LLC REGARDING THE PLAT OF GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO WHEREAS, the 21St Century Bank has issued a Letter of Credit in the current amount of $300,000.00 to secure obligations of Appello Group, LLC (APPELLO) relevant to the Developers Agreement and addendums between APPELLO and the City of Otsego (CITY)for that development known as GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO; and WHEREAS, said Letter of Credit is due to expire on November 30, 2011; and WHEREAS, certain public improvements required by the Developer's Agreement between the CITY and APPELLO remain unfinished; and WHEREAS, CITY has determined that it is crucial that these items be completed at this time, especially final road improvements, so as to alleviate deteriorating conditions of the road as it remains uncompleted; and WHEREAS, the Developers Agreement and amendments thereto require that a Letter of Credit remain in place at all times to cover payment of assessments as they become due and assure completion of all required public improvements and warranty periods; and WHEREAS, APPELLO was required under a separate agreement to have these repairs completed by June 1, 2010 which they have failed to do; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer's estimate for needed immediate road improvements within the Plat substantially exceeds the $125,000.00 held in escrow by the separate Agreement referenced above for completion of the road and other public improvements; and WHEREAS, the CITY needs to draw the available funds at this time in order to proceed to order the improvements as a public improvement project for completion this year. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows: 1. City staff are hereby directed to immediately draw the full amount of the Letter of Credit ($300,000.00) issued by 21" Century Bank on behalf of APPELLO. 2. The money received from the draw, as well as escrow money to be separately drawn, are to be used to complete required public improvements within the Plat of GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO unfinished by APPELLO. 3. City staff are further directed to notify APPELLO of its ongoing obligation to have in place a Letter of Credit in the amount of $300,000.00 at all times until APPELLO has fully complied with all terms and conditions of the Developer's Agreement between CITY and APPELLO. 4. By drawing on the current Letter of Credit the CITY waives no rights under its Agreements with APPELLO, and specifically reserves any and all rights conferred by those Agreements or otherwise. ADOPTED this 14th day of June, 2010 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: MAYOR STOCKAMP; CM SCHARBER: CM DARKENWALD AND CM HEIDNER OPPOSED: NONE CITY OF OTSEGO 141 ZA . / I�NyG e 4UL T Loff, City Clerk 0)