10-16RESOLUTION NO.: 2010-16 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS FOR UNPAID FEES AND CHARGES RELATED CODE ENFORCEMENT. WHEREAS, certain fees and charges related to code enforcement have been issued by the City to the responsible party and have not been paid within 30 days of receipt; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the City Code and Minnesota Statutes 429.101 and other Statutes, the City can assess for unpaid fees and charges, including penalties and interest, against the affected properties; and, WHEREAS, City staff has prepared a list setting forth the properties delinquent in payment of said fees and charges and the amount of delinquency for each property. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO THAT: A public hearing shall be held on the 9t" Day of August, 2010 at 7:00 PM at City Hall to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by the proposed assessment will be given an opportunity to be heard. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the public hearing of the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of said hearing, which shall state in the notice the total amount of delinquencies proposed for certification and shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the proposed assessment roll not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of said hearing. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Clerk, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within thirty (30) days from the date upon which the assessment is adopted by the City Council. The property owner may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Clerk the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made, provided that such payment is made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. MOTION BY: CM HEIDNER SECOND BY: CM SCHARBER ALL IN FAVOR: MAYOR STOCKAMP: COUNCILMEMBERS: HEIDNER, SCHARBER & DARKENWALD THOSE OPPOSED: NONE ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 12th day of July 2010. ATTEST: daxf� i!�W Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO 1. [1, 2 "m ". Wano IN I mil 2 PENDING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS for 2010 MOWING CHARGES PID ADDRESS FINE AMOUNT CHARGES DUE ABATEMENT CONTRACTED TOTALAMOUNT INVOICEDATE 118-188-001050 7357 Lambert Ave $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 10/26/2009 118-188-001080 73991-ambert Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-188-001090 7417 Lambert Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-188-002110 7336 Lambert Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-188-002150 11309 74th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-188-002220 7349 Lamont Circle $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-188-003100 7437 Lamont Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-188-003110 7419 Lamont Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-190-003140 9361 Kagan Circle $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/24/2009 118-190-003170 9325 Kagan Circle $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-190-005060 9184 Kaeding Ave $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 10/26/2009 118-190-007150 9006 Kagan Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-190-008080 9057 Kagan Ave $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 10/26/2009 118-190-008110 9033 Kagan Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 PD 6/24/2010 HOWARD HOMES 118-197-011010 12183 74th Stree $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/24/2009 118-190-012030 8837 Kagan Court $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/24/2009 118-190-012120 8868 Kahl Way $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-197-009010 7402 Mackenzie $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-197-011140 12088 73rd Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 PD 6/15/2010 AARON MICHAEL 118-198-001010 11426 75th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-198-003020 7422 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-003030 7440 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-198-003040 7458 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-198-003050 7476 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-198-003080 7441 Large Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-198-003110 7411 Large Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-004030 7462 Large Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-198-004060 7432 Large Ave $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 pd 4/6/201 registered abstract 118-198-005020 7383 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-005030 7369 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-005040 7355 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-005070 7313 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-006010 7302 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-006030 7326 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 pd 4/13/2010 registarted abstract 118-198-006050 7354 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 pd 4/22/2010 registered abstract 118-198-006070 7382 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-198-006080 7396 Lander Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 PD 4/13/2010 LAND TITLE 118-198-007020 7386 Large Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 pd 4/6/201 registered abstract 118-198-007030 7378 Large Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 pd 4/6/201 registered abstract 118-198-007040 7360 Large Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 pd 4/6/201 registered abstract 118-198-007070 7316 Large Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 pd 4/6/201 pd 4/6/201 pd 4/6/2010 118-198-007070 7316 Large Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 pd 4/6/201 pd 4/6/201 pd 4/6/2010 PENDING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS for 2010 MOWING CHARGES PID ADDRESS FINE AMOUNT CHARGES DUE ABATEMENT CONTRACTED TOTALAMOUNT INVOICEDATE 118-198-007070 7316 Large Ave $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 10/26/2009 118-198-008010 11387 73rd Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-008020 1140173rd Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-008050 11437 73rd Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-008070 11461 73rd Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-198-008070 11461 73rd Street $200.00 $132.31 $332.31 10/26/2009 118-198-008080 11473 73rd Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 10/26/2009 118-205-005100 6318 Mason Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-215-002130 11479 72nd Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-215-002140 11485 72nd Street $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-002200 11328 71s Street $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-002210 11314 71st Street $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-002230 11260 71st Street $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-002250 11238 71st Street $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-002310 11215 71st Street $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-002320 11227 71st Street $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-002340 7087 Lambert Lane $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-002370 7023 Lambert Lane $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-002380 7001 Lambert Lane $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-215-003140 11385 71st Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-215-003160 11429 71st Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-215-003200 1148171st Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-215-005050 6352 Mason Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-001010 12255 69th Street $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001020 12267 69th Street $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001120 6753 Mason Court $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001130 6741 Mason Court $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001140 6740 Mason Court $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001150 6766 Mason Court $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001170 6780 Mason Court $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001180 6784 Mason Court $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001190 6786 Mason Court $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001200 6790 Mason Court $200.00 $160.32 $360.32 9/15/2009 118-222-001210 12372 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-001220 12368 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-001230 12356 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-001260 12310 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-001270 12288 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-001280 12266 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-001290 12254 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-002020 6800 Mason Court $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-002030 6798 Mason Court $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-002040 6794 Mason Court $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 pd 4/6/201 pd 4/6/201 pd 4/6/2010 load & transport of material $448.00 DUMPSTER CHARGES $472.00 DUMPSTER CHARGES PENDING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS for 2010 MOWING CHARGES PID ADDRESS FINE AMOUNT CHARGES DUE ABATEMENT CONTRACTED TOTAL AMOUNT INVOICE DATE 118-222-002050 12382 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/15/2009 118-222-003010 12395 69th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-003020 12397 69th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-004010 6698 Mason Ave $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-004090 1246167th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-004100 12477 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-004110 12499 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-005010 12478 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-005020 12450 67th Court $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-005030 12448 67th Court $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-005040 12446 67th Court $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-005050 12444 67th street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-005060 12442 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-005070 12440 67th Street $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009 118-222-005080 12438 67th Strret $200.00 $160.31 $360.31 9/24/2009