10-18RESOLUTION 2010-18 MMUA MUTUAL AID ASSISTANCE Model Resolution WHEREAS, the City of OTSEGO , Minnesota ("City"), operates and maintains a municipal WATER (electric, natural gas, telecommunications and/or water) utility; WHEREAS, City wishes to cooperate with other cities which own and operate utility systems and other publicly - owned utility organizations ("Utilities"); WHEREAS, City is a member of the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association ("MMUA") and MMUA has developed a program to encourage and foster mutual aid between and among Utilities in the event of disasters and emergencies; WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") has established a rule which provides that FEMA will reimburse mutual aid costs for a particular disaster or emergency only if mutual aid participants have signed a written agreement prior to that disaster or emergency; WHEREAS, prudent and appropriate charges should be established from time to time which may be paid to City for its provision of mutual aid services and which may be paid to other Utilities which may provide mutual aid assistance to City; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY OTSEGO CITY COUNgjLverning body of the City/Utilities): 1. The ADMINISTRATOR (appropriate officers and/or management, e.g. Mayor, Clerk, Chairman, Secretary, General Manager, etc.) are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the MMUA Mutual Aid Agreement (attached hereto) and such other documents and agreements as may be necessary to implement City's participation in the MMUA Mutual Aid Program and to qualify for FEMA reimbursement of mutual aid costs. 2. The managing staff of the City's utility system(s) shall establish reasonable rates for reimbursement of its labor and equipment costs as contemplated in FEMA rules, and periodically revise such rates as necessary. 3. City will provide mutual aid assistance to other Utilities if management determines (a) that the reliability and performance of City's utility system(s) and the public health and safety of City residents and customers will not be materially and adversely affected, (b) the other Utilities has executed the MMUA Mutual Aid Agreement (or an agreement substantially similar in form and content) and (c) the other Utilities has established rates for reimbursement of City's labor and equipment costs which are reasonably comparable to those established by City. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL (governing body) OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO , MINNESOTA, on this 12 day of JULY , 201Q_. APPROVED a MMUA/4