05-09-12 PRITEM 4_1 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.42 7.0520 TPCTPC@PlanningCo.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 1 May 2012 RE: Otsego — Waterfront East Outlot A; Landscaping TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND The Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting on 11 April 2012 reviewed the landscape plan and planting quotes for the east side of Outlot A at Waterfront East for review at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on 11 April 2012. The Planning Commission tabled action and requested that City staff discuss with Midwest Landscapes the use of native species. Exhibits: A. Landscape Plan ANALYSIS City staff is recommending proceeding with installation of the proposed overstory trees on the east side of the stormwater basin adjacent to the Mississippi River together with three benches and trash can sets. Installing the overstory trees will allow these plants to become established and being growing. The balance of the low growing shrubs and plants on the east side and all of the plants on the west side will be installed along with additional site furniture concurrent with buildout of the Waterfront East development. The Parks and Recreation Commission requested information regarding the use of native species trees in place of the Autumn Blaze Maple and Discovery Elm proposed on the landscape plan or alternative Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple or Emerald Luster Maples recommended by Midwest Landscapes. Midwest Landscapes responded that in addition to the Hackberry specified on the landscape plan they have in stock 2.5" Swamp White Oak. Although available, Midwest Landscapes recommends staying with the trees proposed on the landscape plan or the alternates they provided stating that these will be more disease resistant and drought tolerate. The drought tolerance of the trees to be planted is an important consideration as there will not be irrigation installed at this time. The Parks and Recreation Commission may consider the following options: Midwest Landscapes Inc. will install the proposed plantings whereas the Public Works Department will install the site furniture. The City Council directed as part of its review of the 2012 Capital Improvement Plan that the improvements of Waterfront East Outlot A be funded from the Capital Reserve Fund (and not park dedication funds) as the costs incurred by the City are the result of the settlement of a dispute related to the development agreement for Waterfront East. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of the quotes from Midwest Landscapes Inc. for Option 11213 for installation of plantings and furniture to be installed at Waterfront East Outlot A. B. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Todd Clouthier, Midwest Landscapes 161 Option 1 Landscape Plan Option 2 Alternates Option 3 Natives Trees Autumn Blaze 11 $2,772.00 Discover Elm 11 $3,388.00 Hackber 9 $1,935.00 $1,935.00 $1,935.00 Emerald Luster Maple 11 $1,485.00 Fall Fiesta Sugar Nipple 11 $1,815.00 Swamp White Oa 22 $6,072.00 Black Chokeber 25 $775.00 $775.00 $775.00 Mulch 18CY $1,170.00 $1,170.00 $1,170.00 SUBTOTAL $10,040.00 $7,180.00 $9,952.00 Furniture Equipment $5,765.91 $5,765.91 $5,765.91 Labor $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 TOTAL $17,805.91 $14,945.91 $17,717.91 Midwest Landscapes Inc. will install the proposed plantings whereas the Public Works Department will install the site furniture. The City Council directed as part of its review of the 2012 Capital Improvement Plan that the improvements of Waterfront East Outlot A be funded from the Capital Reserve Fund (and not park dedication funds) as the costs incurred by the City are the result of the settlement of a dispute related to the development agreement for Waterfront East. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of the quotes from Midwest Landscapes Inc. for Option 11213 for installation of plantings and furniture to be installed at Waterfront East Outlot A. B. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor Todd Clouthier, Midwest Landscapes 161 `• 4w, +. pp l NA 1 "=200' (Approx) 35/FW Naturalized shrub mossin X/XX Establish native grass up to trail edge Preserve and Benches EnhanceViewshed AID t k 15/GD Naturalized shrub massing. 40/RTD Naturalized shrub massing. t -- Daylily N0/Qralized tree massing. Gardens A N 8/SWO hverstory trees to spark n d t ewsury� t features to draw user to prick and to cgnrl[cr features 50/DBH 5/ABM } flowering drub mass Overstory trees for visual interest against 5/AE-- • wooded backdrop. 1 Overstory trees for shade a d to delineate park edge 45NRS—p ¢t hedge for screening A06delineate park edge 35/RTD 25/BC. \1 _t lined shrubmassing Naturalii s �S\� d tq dlscouroge access massing. \sw tooutletstructure. ---__ 9/HB 6/ELM Overstory Overstory trees for shade `= trees for shade r . trees and screening RVY w ' d F Ax1 y } " Preserve and EnhanceViewshed 8/AP, 10/SS 't Conifer screen and shrub massing:; for visual screen and sound = ` buffet Retain pioneer willow at end for visual screen and sound buffer. 10/RS Naturalized Shrub Massing. 1 14/AP Bg4h Conifers for visual screen + 8/ABS Naturalized Tree Massing. and sound buffer. New development to continue screen along 101 ROW. X/XX Establish native grasses on slope K 20/SS leading to river. r bra Shrub massing to add to screen q `s+r and protect park users from 6/ABM overhead guy wires along trail. Overstory Trees for shade and visual interest against willow backdrop 6/HB --• erstorytrees for shade of IL and park delineation r Picnic Tables 6/TH w rnamental trees for shade Preserve and Enhance Viewshed Mississippi Existing Oak River Overstory trees for shade Preserve and protect and park delineation Future Development . 35/FW Naturalized shrub massing. Remove pioneer trees along edge of pond ' — 6/ABS Naturalized tree massing. 18/DWC 10/RS Naturalized shrub massing. Ornamental trees for shade G� and grove effect. 11 /DE Overstory trees for shade and grove effect. Nant List 100/GFS, 100/FRG ----- Shrub mass for screening= Plant Material for Waterfront East Park and to add seasonal color, 10/AE Overstory trees for shade and to delineate park edge ..... 90/VRS ".... 6/QA DIA Fu��,,6tnatVO' Shrub hedge for screening and to delineate park edge Naturalized tree massing. NA 1 "=200' (Approx) 35/FW Naturalized shrub mossin X/XX Establish native grass up to trail edge Preserve and Benches EnhanceViewshed AID t k 15/GD Naturalized shrub massing. 40/RTD Naturalized shrub massing. t -- Daylily N0/Qralized tree massing. Gardens A N 8/SWO hverstory trees to spark n d t ewsury� t features to draw user to prick and to cgnrl[cr features 50/DBH 5/ABM } flowering drub mass Overstory trees for visual interest against 5/AE-- • wooded backdrop. 1 Overstory trees for shade a d to delineate park edge 45NRS—p ¢t hedge for screening A06delineate park edge 35/RTD 25/BC. \1 _t lined shrubmassing Naturalii s �S\� d tq dlscouroge access massing. \sw tooutletstructure. ---__ 9/HB 6/ELM Overstory Overstory trees for shade `= trees for shade r . trees and screening ITEM 5.1 Little Free Library My name is Amy Stemler. My family and I have been residents in Otsego/ Elk River for 15 yrs. My husband Jay, has owned a business in Elk River for 15 yrs. Our children attended school in The Elk River school District. I have a B.S. degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education. I currently teach at a pre-school in St. Michael. I love children and have invested my time as a mom and also as a teacher to educate children. When I saw a segment about The Free Little Library on WCCO news in Feb., I thought this would be a wonderful way to help families to enjoy books together and it's FREE! !! ! ! ( ittp://www.Iittlefreelibrary.org/index.htm1) I was so excited about this that I came to city hall to talk to someone that could help with implementing this in our community. What a great community outreach program!!!! This is how it works. Books are donated by families that have kl outgrown their children's books or have adult novels they have read and want to share with others .Magazines would be fun too! It runs on the motto take a book, return a book which means you take a book, read it, then return it back to the little free library. It's free and runs on the honor system. Friendly by Nature Take a Book A* little Free LibraryRsfurn a Booke-h little;—ielibraryofg , This ,` O Free Library is a gift from friends who wanted to PAY IT FORWARD. They hcpe you will do the same! To participate, see: www.iittlefreelibrary.org The little libraries can be placed on a bike path, near a playground, in a housing development, or in front of your home. I feel that a wonderful place for a library would be on Main St. in Elk River. The ice cream shop, the area where the summer concerts are held, and the water feature the children run through to cool off, would be an excellent place to start. Let us put Elk River on the "Little Free Library" map! Our Mission • To promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide. To build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations. To build more than 2,510 libraries around the world --more than Andrew Carnegie How Many Are There Now? Guess! So Far: ? Registered. ? Now being built. In 40+ States and 20+ Countries Is our Little Library on the Map? *UOLV. sex • Permission to install book houses. • Identify locations • Put an article in the Star News • Community day for volunteers to build houses • Advertise • Solicit businesses/individual sponsorships to donate books and build houses • Write a grant for funding • Register to get on the map • 2012 goal: 5 houses (these are suggestions) o 1 downtown Elk River 0 1 in Woodland trails 0 1 in Otsego Prairie Park 0 1 in Otsego Park 0 1 in Lafayette Woods • 2013 goal: 10 houses! ! I I ! Contact information: Amy Stemler 763-441-8635 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION OTSEGO IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE NEW EXPANSION OF ITS PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENTM HERE ARE SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS FOR THIS SUMMER TO KEEP UP TO SPEED ON ALL OF THE PROGRAMS FOR THIS SUMMER PLEASE VISIT US AT WWW.CI.OTSEGO.MN.US. • SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT o DAYTIME ENTERTAINMENT STARTING TUESDAY ■ WILL BE HELD AT PRAIRE PARK • TUESDAYS 10AM o JUNE 19TH RAPTOR CENTER o JUNE 26 EASTMAN NATURE CENTER o JULY 10 BRIAN RICHARDS o JULY 17 ZOOMOBILE o JULY 24 THE BAZLLIONS • WEDNESDAYS 6:30 o JUNE 14TH TEDDI BEAR BAND (THURSDAY) o JUNE 20 DOJO KARATE o JUNE 27 MARY HALL o JULY 11 STAR MICHAELINA • SPLASH PARK GRAND OPENING (JUNE 14TH) o COME AND JOIN THE MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL, AND THE PARK COMMISSION AS WE UNVAIL THE NEWEST ADDITION TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, THE PRIAIRIE PARK SPLASH PAD. WE WILL HAVE ACTIVITIES RUNNING THROUGHOUT THE EVENING, AND MAKE SURE YOU COME EARLY TO GET YOUR CHANCE TO DUNK THE MAYORMH o WRIGHT COUNTY K-9 DEMO 5:30PM o TEDDY BEAR BAND PLAYING AT 6:00-6:45PM o STATE PATROL HELICOPER FLYING IN AT 7PM o RIBBON CUTTING 7:30P T -BALL INFO FROM THE FLYER DIRECTING THEM TO THE WEB SITE FOR REGISTRTAION SOCCER CLINIC INFO FROM THE FLYER DIRECTING THEM TO THE WEB SITE FOR REGISTRTAION ■ OTSEGO PARK RACING SERIES o COME UP TO THESE FUN RACES AT PARKS THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF OTSEGO. KIDS WILL BE ABLE TO RACE AGAINST OTHERS THEIR SAME AGE, AT EACH RACE RUNNERS WILL GET A RIBBON FOR PARTICIPATING. 0 3 RACES THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER EACH ONE AT A DIFFERENT PARK. o JUNE 28th PRAIRIE PARK o JULY 19TH WATERFRONT EAST o AUGUST 16TH SCHOOL KNOLL PARK 0 4 AND UNDER (200 YARDS) 0 5 AND 6 (200 YARDS) 0 7 AND 8 (.5 MILES) 0 9 AND 10 (.5 MILES) 0 11AND 12 (1 MILE) ■ PRESCHOOLERS EXPLORING NATURE ■ Ages 4-6 ■ Enrich your child's learning in an interactive and natural setting. Otsego's beautiful parks will become their playground where they will exercise their minds and bodies by learning social skills, creativity and group cooperation. Fun activities include: hiking, nature games, crafts and storytelling. o $5 each session or $20 for all 5 o STARTS JULY 24 ENDS AUGUST 21 o TUESDAYS 0 10AM o JULY 24- PRAIRIE PARK AUGUST 6 WATERFRONT EAST o JULY 31- LILLY PARK AUGUST 13 FRANKFORT PARK AUGUST 21- KITTERAGE PARK ■ 3rd Lair Skateboard Camp 0 3rd Lair Skateboard camp has been continually developed and improved over the last 15 years. We have taken strides to incorporate the great ideas of instructors, students, park and rec representatives, and parents. The goal of camp is to provide a safe and fun learning environment where young skaters can progress. Camp is more than just a lesson; it is an experience. Riders of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to attend. o AUGUST 6 -10TH o $170 THE CITY OF OTSEGO IS PAIRING UP WITH RIVERWOOD INN AND CONFERENCE CENTER FOR A COUPLES CANOE TRIPS DOWN THE MISSISSIPPI. COUPLES WILL PARK AT THE BEAUTIIFUL RIVERWOOD INN AND CONFERENCE CENTER AND BE TAXIED UP THE MISSISSIPPI WHERE THEY WILL BEGIN THEIR GUIDED TRIP DOWN THE MISSISSIPPI. THE TRIP WILL END AT RIVERWOOD WHERE COUPLES WILL END THE DAY WITH DINNER WHICH IS INCLUDED WITH THE TRIP. TRIPS WILL BE MONDAYS THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER AND FALL. JULY 16r" , AUGUST 20r", SEPTEMBER 17r" 5:30PM THE ADVENTURE BEGINS. COST: $49 PER COUPLE /I P n�-F I 1 :2 - T-1, - 0r (1 - C -Nl� /,A Parent/ Child T -Ball 3-4 Parents & kids participate together on the same team with a coach for each team 2 Nights available Mondays or Wednesdays REGISTRATION I CHILD'S NAM T -Ball 5-6 Kids are divided into teams with a coach for each team 2 Nights available Tuesdays or Thursdays April 23 -June 1 (Or until Full) FEE $29 (Includes Shirt & Hat) GAMES WILL BE SCHEDULED BETWEEN 5:30-7:30PM PARENT'S/ GUARDIAN'S NAME GAMES START JUNE 18 AND END JULY 25 *NO GAMES DURING THE WEEK OF JULY 4TH REGISTRATION FORM AGE AS OF JUNE 18 ADDRESS CITY E-MAIL DAY OF THE WEEK COACHING INTEREST HEAD COACH ASSISTANT PAYMENT ($29) QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION (763) 235-3155 OR RDEMANT@CI.OTSEGO.MN.US ICASH CHECK # SHIRT SIZE Phone #: D PLEASE SEND OR DROP OFF PAYMENT TO OTSEGO CITY HALL (Parks & Recreation): 8899 NASHUA AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 MON-THUR (8-6PM) FRI (8-12PM) (763) 441-4414 SOCCER CLINIC This program is designed to teach kids the fundamentals of soccer in a fun supportive environment Skills that will be worked on are dribbling, shooting, passing, and teamwork. The kids will also have a chance to scrimmage. 4-6 YEARS OLD Tuesday/Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. -OR- 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Child's Name: 7-9 YEARS OLD Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. All classes startiune 19th and run through July 26th. Off the week of July 4th. Parent's/Guardian's Name: Address: Email: Child's Age: Phone #: City: Session (Please circle one) 9-9:45 10-10:45 11-11:45 Payment ($25) Questions? Please contact Otsego Parks and Recreation Ross Demant: 763-235-3155 or rdemant@ci.otsego.mn.us Cash ❑ Check ❑ Shirt Size: Zip: Please send or drop off payment to Otsego City Hall (Parks & Recreation): 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Mon-Thurs 8-6 pm Fri 8-12 pm 763-441-4414 CITY OF se o MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager DATE: May 12, 2012 RE: Backstop Hoods for Prairie Park Fields 2 and 3 The City learned last week that they would not be receiving the Twins Grant for structure improvements at the Prairie Park ball fields. Staff will contact Rogers Youth Baseball and Northwest Diamonds to collaborate on future improvement at the complex. These improvements may include shade structures for the player's benches and/ or bleachers. However, there still a significant safety concern with the height of the back stops on Fields 2 and Fields 3. A quote to retrofit the existing backstop with a 6 foot backstop hood was initiated by City staff. The quote from Town and Country Fence was $3,655 to install the hoods on both backstops. The cost of installing the hoods on the backstops was included in the draft 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Plan for 2012 to be funded from Park Development Funds (#203). City staff recommends the Parks and Recreation Commission to approve the quote and installation of the backstop hoods. -The B"t !Meru in Ponce To: City of Otsego Ross Demant Project Scope: Prairie Park — Backstop Hoods Date of Estimate: 05/08/2012 Terms: Net on Comp. Add 6' hoods to existing 15' tall backstops on fields 2 & 3: -add backstop adapters to existing posts -2" diameter schedule 40 hood posts -1 5/8" diameter schedule 40 rails -72" 11 gauge fabric Total Price = $3655.00 Thank you, Mark Wassink Commercial Sales Office (763) 425-5050 Fax (763) 425-9006 Cell (612) 968-4945 markw@tcfence.com *Estimate good for 30 days, terms and conditions subject to change* RESOLUTION NO.: 2012 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OTSEGO LITTLE LEAGUE AS A RECOGNIZED YOUTH RECREATION ASSOCIATION RELATED TO THE PLAY FIELD USE POLICY. WHEREAS, the City has adopted a policy and a schedule of fees regarding use of play fields within City parks; and, WHEREAS, the play field use policy makes provision for Non-profit (501 3C) youth organizations recognized by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by the City Council as providing necessary services to Otsego residents; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Otsego Little League is so recognized by the City of Otsego as providing necessary services to Otsego residents. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 14th day of May, 2012. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 1