05-10-94 PRMembers Present:
Tom Rai l lar"an
Debbie Carron
Carl Swenson
Merlin Otto
• %
;Chairman} Darlyn Kofoed
Darlene Solberg
Floyd Roden (Council Member}
Tom 3a i 11 ar;eon :-a 17 ed t"e meeting to order, at 7:45 p.m. The board , iember s
present reviewed the minutes of the April 12, 14994 ;netting. Darlene Solberg
noted that in Item 12, section (31) the amount of the recommended subsidized costs
for the Safsty Camp should .be $250.00. With no further corrections, Carl Swenson
motioned 4o approve the minutes with the correction, seconded by Debbie Carron,
motion to accept was approved.
1. The Board then had an Open Forum. Jeff Ashfai was scheduled to speak
during this forum, but requested permission to talc later on during the meeting
when the 3oard was talking about the Bike Rodeo,. Safety camp and Entertainment
reports, with future fall activities.
2. A report on the potential can collection was given by Debbie Carron. She
talked to the owner of Tom Thumb and a couple of other businesses about having
a drop off container for the cans held at their business. After discussion by
the Board members, it was felt that at this time it would be more trouble and
bother than it was worth. Therefore, the idea of can collection was tabled.
3. Report --n the budget. It was suggested that capital improvement needs to
be develcred to submit a budget (i.e. where will funding come from if not from
grans, anticipated need list). Merlin Ottc drafted a wash list for another
Client and it was suggested that the Board members review the list, come up witli
their own lists, and bring it back to the next Board meeting in June. The list
will then be compiled and will also need to be updated each year. It was also
discLissed that the trust fund dollars should be used for land acquisition mostly.
Merlin and Floyd heard that our ISTEA Grant application was the No. I in
the County. We are competillU with 9 other groups, We are ranked 3-4 in the
region. Prospects are look in.g good. It was suggested that several Board members
start to lobby by contacting COLnty ,epresentat-ivPs to push our grant through.
Fiovd and Merlin also recommended And stated that the Board needs to save
a public fearing on the park ?!an De,- e?opmer,w for ONR Grant. It vas discussed
and detarm'r,ed that a pub?'- hearing .vould be the night of our June meeting. Tor,
and/or F1,fjyd :-oi!T:i notify Elaine 2 ?*iy to rut .j :1Qtiee in t! U paper.
Motion was made %. approve the recommendation of a $3,000.00 for 1995 for
the Park and Recreation Commission. This was tabled and stated that it would be
discussion at the June meeting after the public hearing.
4. Report on the Skating Rink: Subcommittee reported no news. More
information will be provided at the next meeting. It was recommended that we may
want to grade anal/or seed the area of the skating rink to prevent erosion. Floyd
and Carl stated they would look into it.
S. DNP Application report given by Nerlin Otto: Our application is competing
with 7v0 other submissions. The reviewers may approve 30-40 of the applications.
It is believes that the maximum grant will be $50,000.00
Park map was discussed. Charges and revisions are needed to meet the grant
Criteria. Three potential :naps were designed for future plan. The maps will be
reviewed and discussed at the public hearing for input by the public before a
decision is made on which one of the three maps will be chosen as a future park
plan. Darlene will make sure that an article is written up in the newspaper and
Jeff Ashfal will notify the bali association so that they can attend. The Board
definitely leads the coMMurities opinion or what they want in their park.
Darlene Solberg motioned to have a public hearing or the Park develooment
to be held or June 14, 1994, Carl Swenson seconded, the motion carried.
Merlin stated t"at he had a standard newspaper article to use and he would
fax it to Elaine 9eatty. Tcm Baillargeon will also contact the Lyons and Jaycees
to recommend attendance.
6. Articles for the Star rle;•rS, et:..: Darlene will prepare an article regardii;g
the Public nearing.
7. Status of tree removal in the park: Carl stated there is nothing to report
and tl:e removal of dead trees will be done sometime in Jure/July. Floyd is going
to recommend to the maintenance crew to try to keep the brush down.
Park construction Subcommittee Report:
Again, it :,ras stated
that the Board
needed to prepare a,wish list of goals which could and wouid be
tied into the
applications. The Board needs to start
setting priorities.
The Board alio
to think about future purchases for mere park al^eas within
the community.
In short,
the Board needs a 5 year pl-an. Tom
Baillargeon volunteered to attempt
A. put
together a reasonable list fo- ;;se at
the June meeting.
9. Historical Report: Cari Swenson reported that. the Hearing which was to be
held on May 4th -as continUad to pull the request in better written fora to be
submitted to the commission,.
10. Report on the upComing 3ike Rodec: The VFW will 'help the Park Commission
if needed. Door prices from local businesses .sere gathered. The rodeo ,wi it be
ar?rounced at the sc ioo l s to make more children ai,:are of the program. Equ i pment
is st i i i rPe�;ded ands some all Park Ccmi issioners volunteered their persona
egU1pment.7}G b ed, Jeff As f- f11 ,:i'1 :provide certificates to he part ICipan*
of ter ; ojj,p let ir,r, of the pro: -ram.
11. Other Summer Activities: the payment of the Zoo Mobile and the Fliers fees
were discussed. It was agreed the Otsego Park Commission should pay the fees to
the two group; and then the Commission should seek reimbursement from Wrfight
County (already agreed to contribute $250.00) Darlene Solberg will make sure
that these events are written up in the Star News notifying citizens.
12. Safety Camp Discussion by Subcommittee: Darlene Solberg made a notion
recommending that the Park & Rec Commission to subsidize $250.00 for the Safety
Camp. Seconded by Debbie Carron. All approved.
13. Future Activities: Some of the items recommended for future activities
were as follows., ice skating lessons; garden plots; gun safety training;
snowrrobiTe safety training; rollerblade/skateboard safety class; transportation
for citizens for programs held by the Park & Rec Commission and/or City. It was
:-ecomimended that the subcommittee beg; n preparing for fall activities.
Additionally someone should contact the Jaycees and discuss assistance in having
a havrida this fall for someone arc;und Halloween.
14. Work Rules related to the Minutes and the Agenda was again tabled until
next month so as to gather additional information.
15. Other: no further concerns at this time.
16. lith no `urther business to discuss, Debbie Carron motioned to adjourn.
Dar?er,e Solberg seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Dated: May :1, 1994
Darlyn Kofoed, Secretary
Park & Recreation Commission