06-14-94 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARD; AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF jUNE 14, 1991 MEETING Members Present: Tom Ba i 1 l argeon (Cl -a i rman) Dar lyn Kof oed Debbie Carrcn Darlene Solberg Roche Martin Floyd Roden (Council Member) Tom Constant Bill Olson (AIterra+e) Guests: Merlin Otto Jeff Ashf al i Cil 37 ". li"'v2 �r ca I I e the m C i iig to order at 7.35 �`,;n, The open rl�;ir'; n� ' 'i' ' r!-+ ^a �a r t a r yras rt�ajC.r;:'eiG �i.� p!dT`rirly^ a,.0 3ilir- U„V',1J�?.11G'n' the UES CO �ra7rie �a� brief ly Jiisf.ussed 3rd c—rri 10 the eri@r3i public for discuss lon. Merl iT' Otto gave a brief descr'ip'tion ar;' de irnstr'atierr using the istea Grant Appl i ca`iorr maps. LIC ,ixP'ai-ed, the grant proc Ss, matching funds, and the use sof cash -in- kind to board T+eiiibe,-o as ',cl; as the public part! c,'pants. Mr. Otto descriLou the tilree ,opti'.n,; ar.d Lheir c-sts (i; $118,000AO, (2) $113,500.00; anU, (?) 12 51011 e)0 �'3P for;jim -,va �%1er op_n <., the public as to what they ;vould like tee sea In the pari'. it 'NaS notad tint th'. r 'veT'- no -estroom facilities or, any of the ;.pillar= for imi-vediate use. fields were discussed. The soccer field bell graded, and lrS-Ci as a free play area '.until Sorxer leagues mere set up t;siing the park. It .vas noted khat the comprehensive ;Mari survey did not address volleyball f ,e ;'i5 i5 a ne-.j+ for the Otsego area. A question to rhe 4oar cis wFether or not 'n the options, could a Volleyball court be traced for x14Y eckh t? F1,a 'g! c:'Jr;.-Ij Id 7051.5 3t 1 e45 $15,000.00, -ird '.tiSU?tbai + f ;eld completion is,' flent,'ing cost: d�:l)r'cx1,,ii,ai: Y S,-2,'000.00 each f-el,�. Th."-, City (jets :,o eY,tra.o'!nts cn the gran. OPP,l,:a ion For having croria Co4int:ry tralis, whereas "UrdiC3;i dCC �Ci4liit� arra '11+y'(�YaJr:� eovripm-it scores points io rating ,eed of a gram, ; lle pres i ier t of Thi --e R vers Soccer Association state] +h;,#- 'ho associ?"Lw)n 4CUld donate p!'d v'Grlt•'h)Lt? roward the constructici or the fields. It ',�d5 5+�i,,`�i L+'�3t SCtC.CT" , i-. - N ��� YE:irS for' SOd .O ld'"C:. i?ef<r play ny c -n ue'girl. Roche drt ifs u•;^ESted 5urem; for pect.:,tor ;eating around tr.R fl -Ids. :=.t. ?..; p.?l. +he uiw1 t3j:en hearing was closed, I. The ':.-)hT'(, r,e;i!ber'.. ple�.e=,'� ^�v ad +hg riiiTluteS of the t''av i0, 1991 iteeting, u: he '`!d%'t '.1 ri0i:ionQ; yto ,?�i�f,ove the -minutes as written, Seco rded by Darlrre solhei',7, r.(;; -ion to acre"'` _;r: .i�rt':"C'IF!j. 2, T ;e :noarU thc.r the Srar,t applications after" t"e hearing. �i5C:uS5 i0 , rlatic`.1al lat . Je rC ±. ,e PT-1:/rnnS of soccer j i:elds and sottha' i fields veru;, v0l leyha11 f i=S. .t J%as questioned as to whether or not we ;;e=d to c.;,orge •:�r aro, the r en,; ar . .� .:. co;r,p �h r •�e ? ar �o a t ,,.. l i - �'^''' for soccerrvollewbal. f`elr�a 3Tid il'th'r T,1 F Cr 0 L:ie 1.G; ,rn pr, moi'. !t i drandom, :� repeat r ,� 5t}1r1 ..j' L kenl �._--'? 4? . ;H •... :t$liYa ] '.4 , t ,'.fir o f 11 Share v, , h us the Elk River Stu".- �) :.,„•1 ,�i -_.,.i" ,:�':., �..1 'I: 11=.5 Stafpd '_hat ._h`. [ier-rail { for ieI.d ;Ti this area is continually growing. Currently *here is very Iiil.t',e in Otsego fcr small chi1drer• to do in com =risor to other surrounding areas. Otsego needs to start spending money antl get +,his up and running. Grat.-t Ati 'lications - discuss;Cn with Merlin regarding our *995 budge -L. at, estimate of $2,000.010 to $13,000.00 was given by Merlin for the 1995 budget. Motion was made by Darlene Sclberg to approve the recommendation of a S3,000.00 for 1995 for tha Par-ic and Pec•reation Ccmmission for grant app:icatiop ccsts and ?'erl in Otto' s fees. Mot 41on was seconded by Marlyn kofoeti and all approved. The Beard reques-t-ed that r lcyd suggest to the Counc i 1 that they w i 1 l need to push for a bond issue to subsidize the pane construction. I; Iu3s recommended that ` lc,}';i pre;Fnt e � the �7unC ; 1 the reed and with them get.more money. a, Skatin Pir-ic ?euor.i. - no nc,.-js to report. 5. Park Const,-kiCtion - It waS agreed by all 3o and '1!Hm4 rs that ',!a needed to r:'' a :!?@ Gr d begin v i hto 11'1 the park. 1t 1Nns -ecommended to !fat start spe. c io m ), g? cr t g U ids on :',e ccnstr~action V a ;.rail, apprommate'y 2,500 fret class 5 and/or bituminous; bids or. picnic Sita construction, gravel pad, c_on=~rete ;:ars for hatd4cac; bids Nill be needed for con,truction of volleybali/horseshce areas. Mot ;on w;,s ma -le ;e by 0«rlyn CGf ped, seconded by Debbie Carron imd approveu by all members present to approve and propose to t";e Otsego City Council the Board's recommendai on l:� ::gigin ccjmsV-uction of a pathway to the she1tei- and pier: .. are::s, including volleyball ccurt and horseshoe pits `or an approxipiats cost of $17,000.00. Bituminous $ 9,500.00 horseshoe pits 200.00 2 volleyball courts 700.00 handicap picrii- area (includes table, gr111, pads) 1,500.00 nun -handicap picnic areas ( inGl'.i;jes table, gr '. 11 , pans) 3.000.00 Sub total $ 14,900.00 rr�� JJ *Restroom (B i "y ) ren; A l (approx. $1^;`.!:0 per month for 1 year) ___j,200.0 TOTAL $1x,100,00 ,. beard meml, ?r Stated At .affordable Sanitation in 7 ir�.rl?jt•ii1a11 per Therefore. `.,:$ tase'd t, cast on Floyd Roden aake . that, i;.ar'yr Kofoeid. secretary, have a typed prod:°; s<' I prepared iGr `too i.vli�:=.l1 ''�{j(=•i_y, lune 27tH f'.tP.et'n ref letting ?lir? Gak Boar" s rnr Crt�1t?1ondL t i C= t . �. Ar-, is les fy `he }tai f id nit,..., t�:�k� �� `!ir�.lr"!1 - �Qti��l (� !3F'li to �^eP4'i 1 i;. \'G' rP.Ct'i'f'AIder; !:at , nr'TiC;Q `.:� ��a� 'i' d�'1�r` `."te ii'_r i., lii�Cl1`5 ,�U-iIE ?7;:h me? tin j 1,u t' e rc-,;nc i for the Sia.rt str1;. IrN ri r;,e park. 7. Historical Soc4letv ReDort - nothing to report. 8- Bike Ra~eo RP�t - aap:•ox imatelf 25 children attended. T hpMaycr and Floyd helped, Motion was made by Roche Martin and seconded by Tom ror,54ant •recorimen ling a 8-1ke Rodeo program be held at the City Hall each year and as long as the need for such as program is evident. All approved. No nF:, on tiro procrre s of the Safufi.y Camp was available. 9. Fall Activities - the foilow4ng were s� gvestions for fall activities. 'a) v(b) dirt sliding field,- wOod lot - tree n- ormat ion program; (c) gun safer Program , Deb Carron will check inti, the availability of this program; and, i d� h=unted hCUS? Q7 �l n '1 1 le ny. , at 'cl?Ot1e Fui'tr.F„ r ' l'11;�1'-Us���r. .V1 1 � CL u:".i.t'd a� U�j ,�i!'iing meet i rigs . 10. the -r - it was stat- '-d that tine Boa -,-4 :•; i i i neer.' to ►torr: