07-12-94 PRPARK AND TRAILS RFC. BOARD CITY 7 OTSEGO Jane 1,7, '1994 Floyd Roder. Counciiperson City of Otsego RE . Construction Request Dear r leyd, Per y(�ur :'2ouost, as secretary or she Otsego 's P a r.l< $ Trai 1s Rec Suard, I am Sii:1'i'ITtiYlg ftp@ f011cwing ixtion an; req,;:Lst Which ,Jas discussed Ion0til at .^,,oar 1934 i:Ivlitill y bcar`, meeting. Mot ion eras made by c r, KGi`'?p 1, saconded by Debbie Car, ooi, ird art` -proved 1-1v all i;G illiC'i present toJ approve ,nd propose to t; e Ots� go C; �y Counc i 1 the board's r:'.cQmmendat- am, to beg`,n construction of a path'eiay to the shelter and Picnic aroa5, including vol'•ybal l court and tfjT"ach�y p,ic fCir ?n aPp;cximately cos- of $17,000.00. o'tulninous pa,:".11ay 4 horseshoe pits 2 volleyball courts I handicap picnic area 'includes table, grill, pause 3 non -handicap picnic arpas (includes table, tirill, pads) Sub -total "Restrccr+ iBif`y) rental (aoprox. 1510C.00 per „-,,}nth for 1 year) TO -,L $ 01,500.00 200.00 700.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 $ 14,900.00 _ 1.2100.00 $ 16,100.00 A board ;iemUer JLatt eri tthat A ,)' dable San -it -at -Win in Zimmer"mai was �it�i�i•L� �N' iroil}h. :re�`c�r•e, 'r1r Lased our C'?Sl on that f 1gUre. if further '?if c.rrrwti�r+ 1.1ee -inQi 1)lease it.— ,p. _x Cordially, ti yu Dar i vr :ter oed',` Secretary VK 's �iecued oryou ..10�.1'd like me to att@r:i the Council gar be reached du; ;^g the: day at 612 -541 -?_792- j,. 0 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Elk River. MN 55330 June 24, 1994 CITY OF TSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD To: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: RE: PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 14, 1994 - 7:30PM - OTSEGO PARKS AND RECS COMMISSION (612) 441-4414 Fax: (612) 441-8823 The Otsego Parks and Rees Commission is holding a Public Hearing regarding the development of the Otsego Prairie Park, which is to be built on the New City Hall property. The Commission would like input of the Citizens of Otsego as to what you wish to have in your park. The Commission wishes to gain public input into this park to make it a park that all the residents can enjoy. There are some Parks and Trails funds available to use for this project, but we do not have enough funds to do all the work. The Commission would welcome suggestions on financing ideas (fund-raisers, etc.). The Commission would greatly appreciate your support of the Park and Rees Commissioin. Thank you, and we hope to see you at the Public Hearing as we value your input. OTSEGO PARKS AND RECS COMMISSION FLOVD RODEN, COUNCIL REP. FR/eb `� Sept. 19, 1994 ICE RINK OPERATIONAL BUDGET Based on: Hours: M -F 5-9 pm for approx. 8 wks=160 hrs weekends/non-school days 1-9 pm (8 weekends)= 128 hrs (7 non/school)=56 hrs Total Hours= 344 x $7/hr= $2,408 15 hrs/week x 8 x $7/hr Supervision $2,408 Labor $ 840 Furnace/Gas/Power $ 200 Repairs $ 150 Misc./First aid supplies 50 Total $3,648 **Floyd Roden is checking on phone service FUTRIM01111110111MOMMMKONMO 40 Adult supervision is available only when warming house is open. Opening of warming house P Y 9 9 and supervision is dependent on weather conditions. 2. Obey the supervisor at all times so everyone can enjoy skating. 3. No swearing, profanity or horseplay. 4. No organized team practices or games are allowed. This is a recreational skating facility for the general public. No hockey or hockey sticks allowed. 5. Snow shovels are available for your use in helping keep the rinks clean. You must have the supervisor's permission to use them. You must also return shovels to the warming house immediately after using them. 6. No automobiles, snowmobiles, bicycles, cycles, sleds or other equipment are allowed on ice, except maintenance vehicles. 7. Keep off the newly flooded rinks until the ice has frozen so everyone can enjoy the areas. R. The warming house is intended for use by skaters. It is Mt a hang out. J. No sledding is allowed in the parking area or in the wooded area of the park. CONSEQUENCES OF VIOLATING ANY OF THE ABOVE RULES: 1st Time Offense Supervisor will politely remind you of the rules and ask you to obey them. 2nd Time Offense Supervisor will warn you that you will lose your skating privilege for the day If you continue to disobey 3rd Time Offense You will be suspended for the day (Police will be asked to remove you If necessary). If you have been suspended once, and continue to cause problems, the penalities are as follows: 2nd Suspension - 3 days 3rd Suspension - 1 week 4th Suspension - 1 month 5th Suspension - balance of skating session Weekdays (school days) 5:00 - 9:00 pm Saturdays and Sundays 1:00 - 9:00 pm Non -school days 1:00 - 9:00 pm WARMING HOUSE SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES AND CHECKLIST-OTSEGO -Be on time or a little early -Make any adjustment if necessary for heat -Roll out rubber mat on walkway -Check to see if warming house is clean and in good order -Check restroom -Pick up grounds- cans, bottles, papers ect. -If Vindchill is -30 or lower, close and leave a sign on the door DURING WORK- Wear your supervisor badge and SMILE 1. Inform users of the rules and enforce them! You are the supervisor 2. Be out on the ice regularly (every ten minutes) to supervise the open skating to make sure there are no problems. 3. Shovel when necessary 4. Help children with skates, equipment, etc. 5. Let people know you are the supervisor and if there are any problems to let you know immediately 6. Answer questions and be pleasant with people 7. Record on "Skating Rink Information" sheet the number of participants, temperature, weather conditions, any problems with participants, equipment, etc. 8. Inventory First Aid kit, inform your supervisor of any supplies needed 9. Document all incidents, accidents, etc. on the forms provided and return to your supervisor BEFORE LEAVING 1. Again, check grounds 2. Clean warming house 3. Make sure all shovels and equipment are inside 4. Turn down heat 5. Turn out lights and lock the door Other things 1 . Access to a phone is available at the house next door 2. Report all incidents and any needs to your supervisor Emergency Contacts 911 Recreation Department- 241-3523 Tom Baillargeon- 441-1640 Tom Constant- 441-3654 Job Description ` Position: 'Farming House/ Rink Supervisor - (Requires evening & weekend ^curs) Responsible to: 728 Area Recreation Coordinator Objective: To ensure that ail rules of the warming house, skating rinks, and slicing hill are enforced. Additionally, as weather permits, this position will be responsible for shoveling specific areas and flooding the rinks. Duties & Responsibilities: - Provide adult supervision over all activities on the rink except normal school activities supervised and directed by school personnel. - Enforce rules and regulations regarding rink usage and sliding areas. - Assist users in better use of facilities. - Provide emergency aid when necessary. - Assist school or Recreation department personnel in rink activities, if available and needed. - Clean the warming house, pick up debris on the rink and surrounding areas. Clean all steps leading down to the rink and keep the steps free of ice and snow. - Secure all shovels and rink equipment to prevent theft or misuse. - Clean rinks with shovels and scrapers as needed, assist in snow removal from the rinks. - SMIl P. - Perform related duties as assigned (includes flooding of rinks). Minimum Acceptable Qualities: - Interest and desire to perform the duties assigned. - Ability to command respect of the persons using the rink and sliding areas. - Able to effectively supervise the activities on the rink and sliding areas. - Good physical condition. - Ability to understand and follow through on all rules and directions given. - Good understanding of people and willingness to assist people using the rink. Additional Desirable Qualifications: - First aid training. - High School graduate Job Expectations: - Report in condition to work (no alcohol/drugs). - Report on time. - Spend equal time inside and out. - Ensure safety of people and warming house. - Enforce rules. - Shovel walks and stairs. - Keep a log of weather, people, ice conditions, etc. of days you work. Wage Scale: $4.25 - $7.00 / hr depending on qualifications and experience. • Recommended Procedures for Outdoor Ica Rink Development and Maintenance ICE MAKING - In order to make ice, the temperatures generally have to be consistently below freezing for several days. !t becomes most suitable for ice making once frost has been able to penetrate the surface to a depth of 6" - 8" and to have some snow cover to insulate the ground surface from the sun's rays. Those conditions and their consequences generally ccz early to mid December and between the hours of midnight to 8:OOam. - Once the conditions are deemed suitable for ice making ( from info above) the following methods should be appiiec best results. A. Generally the best time to flood is 4:OOam - 10:00am or late evening hours (10:00pm & later) B. Water should be applied in gradual increments with the goal of each "flooding" to achieve an end result of 1/8" - 1/2" of solidly frozen ice. This process should continue in intervals until the desired base surface of 3" - 5" is attained. C. Once the base has been established, its maintenance should entail: 1) Adequate removal of snow or ice shavings from use or after a snowfall. 2) To assure a continued smooth skating surface, flooding should resume and regularly continue (as conditions warrant) flooding to a surface of 1/8" - 1/2" increments. 3) Flooding should only take place on a surface that is as clean as possible. SUMMARY it is only fair to note that the quality of the surface is directly related to weather conditions. As the weather conditions vary - so will the quality and condition of the ice. Additionally, varying weather conditions may hinder the ability to flood regularly. A final bit of advice is to not miss out on flooding opportunities when conditions are prime. POLLI " , NYBERC3 & THO iV PSON Atfn 6p at Law .1&r -t Q Pdbh 66. . Tomw, Z%aa ice} L+xu 0, phi* s. Gm Gx.1+ ! uf,, g 1w Thera !_ llwmp Fw r St L OU15 rut MN 154 L 1= TiftwiftY.J mm a la - FAX (s[2) 641-,re1:57 V409 Admnsd In Wexbnetiim ''RIS FACS2f;1.E TRAh5141I55I0N IS CONFIDENTIAL AIND MAY 6E FRI'.Elit AND IS Ihl7e,'�pF FOR THE D5E OF THE ADDRESSEE ONLY. IF YOJ ARE NOT THE ADDRESSEE (OR A PERSON RESPONSrBLE FOR DET IVEPING THIS TRANSMISSION TO THE ADOPESSEO , DD NOT 115E 'I kI iS TRAN�MK5SI0�1 IN ANY WAY, RUT PROMPTLY CONTACT THE SENDER BY TELEPHONE. FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET VATS. ril1 i I I;',S SEEN COPIED TO �.� ITY CLERK �;ITY=L,NNER CITYATTORNEY i r -� "51 Y CiJGiNEER FROM � � � �I; �r COMMISSION PAGES rO FOLLOW (incAiding cover sheet) SAECI L INSTRUCTIONS i �A!C!11r(��iirY!4111.!nrll nr}f ;T F, ,l lL ,�i LL'LU1 _�J:�'.1 L'L; . UL'�.��Jf 111 _• 'L'_ I�LrtW i�!-{J� ,J� ��a•