07-12-94 PR�1 TY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION ;rc7MMISSIO,N htilivl i �-F MF JVLY 1L t 19999 t 19f±CTITAPPI NG Mernherc Present: Tom Baillargeon (Chairman) Debbis Carron Darl vn Kofoed Floyd Roden (Council t4omber) Tom Constant Carl Swenson Guests: Merlin Otto Tom Ba i l largeon called the :flee t- i:ig Lor order at 7:30 ry,.%M I. The board members present revie%ed the minutes of the June 14, 1994 mepting_ Tt wn,s ngte,i thf;A in item inn, 2 the words Yulleyball fitld: should read baseball fields. Tom Constant motions to approve the Minutes with corructipn noted. bobbie Carron seconded the motion. All approved. ?_ The_ Board then discussed the Grant applications. Merlin submitted to the Board a draft of the Outdeor Recreation Grant Program Application fat" approval. It was discussed that the total project application being submitted is 10*118,0001.00. A commitment letter from the soccer sssocietiun stating that it will gays for t_h- final pnsts will be needed. merlin implemented playground equipment as discussead fn our June art}etiiiy 3nt_i pl;blic hearinq. It was fella that ;playground equipwnt was nPrP;gRry. An equipment plan will need to be atiacfied to the propD5al and the Beard selected an example from a playground catalogue, The Park Board discu55ed and all agreed that it mould be ins*alling anti assembling the equipment as naQded throughout this project, The Board ti,,ould be the volunteer- labor for the park prosect. MOtiOtl AaS 31dde by Oar-lyn Kofacd to f2acept tee July 12, 1:94 draft "Outdoor ticrcrr,ation Crant Proarai>i A- lizatiW a5 prepared try Marlin with the fallowing additional attachments: (pl %tter from :}ccer Association, (2; Pla y�tJrvutill equipment selection from cat:alvgue; and, (3) Letter stating that tfla Park Board will volunteer time and labor; for con.%tr;xtion of playground equipment, et;.. Merlin will then subm, t: the ;ippl ication to the City Council on ,July 25, 199' for their, recommendation and approvftl. Motic,n was seconded vy Tato CuribLint. All appy^owed - Merlln also Stated that he vhoull need an execated copy 3f the July, 1994 $t�yrd meeting minutes to attach to the a.ppl!cat y1Qri a3 song as possible and before the ,July 25th meet inn wiUi Vie CotaiC;l. Oarlyn, as secretary, stated she would f a them to his o f ice bopefr111 y by ttciri�ZV, 'Lily 18th. Berlin statold -Fiat the ISTFA grant Arppliutj."n war, moving right along 4A the 3election ,r�rccQss. 3. Park Construct n - The Elk river survey hhs not yat been proyided to the BoArd by Jeff Ashfal- He will provide it when CGMPleted_ The City COUnCil approved phase 1 of Prairie Park Development Plan. My un rv'aa mrzd by Torn Conatant and �.etxndud by Debbie f.a.rron to begin getting hir(s from rrntractvrs for coris%ruc.tii,n. Motion approved. Tom Constant, Tom Dialllarndon, and Floyd Roden will stake the pathwzy and discuss the location for instailatian of culverts as needed. Torn, Tom and`loyd also stated that they would mark (flag) the ;mall trees and brush ZLi would need removed durin this constr'ucti,n process. L`ebbie Car. -on ,Hilt rP�earr.h the Cost of tables, gr•i�15 and trash cans. Tera Constant, will rcocarch sports equipment, aylvrr raper and Stakes for Voljeyj,:dll. The completion date of Phase I of thn pari; plan will be left opcan root' i more information is gathered. Carl Swenson motioned that the guard should regk1est from the City Council to ask that the maintenance coe'iv mow on an as mended basis the grassy areas within the park. Motlon was seconded by Uarlyn Kofoed-, and all approved_ 4, 5kating Rink Report - It was against sLat-.d i.hat we must qe't & copy of Rules and Regulations for the Rink soon_ pebble Carron stated that Tiff Ashfal was working on this and would submit solnething to the guard at the August meeting. 5. acluty -Carl Swenson stated that the ordinancp wigz finAlly apprnvRH and the members of the committee are very exclted race again, Tom Baillargecin no -ted thi' Che Park Board waulii like to continue to support and a55i5t the Vist6pical board in 4ny way pos.,iblP and to please keep us informed. 5. Articie5 for the Star News. and Otsego U7ft - nothing new to report. It was re4t�rrnnended that, an article be subm-rtted to each for• Lhe Scifel.y Camp scheduled For Augu}t L3,4, 25th, Aciditior�a i 1 v, it para; srcrTgested that an article should be considered for volunteer, hElp to provide lab, -)r for the p4rk. playground. ?� call Activities - again the `allowing `ncr� sugestiran5 for tall actin i#les. (a) nature hung (b) wood IG -t- - tree information ,program,, Cc) gun safety program; and, (d Halloween hayride. Dabbie Carron rrotioncd and Darlyn KQfoed seconded that the subcommittee aaw jerf Ashfal look. into the cost and the orgaF1i7iit ir;n of the propro5pii natirrp hunt for 6-12 year olds, All approved. A family Halloween hayride! might be something that the dates and/or the Lions club wtluld lire to asiist in, Tentative data would be Saturday, October z9, 1y44. Ano'-heri suggestion was a punt, pa?? and 'Kick program that could be sponsur-ed by the k"aycC 5/Lior;5. Tom Baillargeon vrnuld like to see gore in4lorrmation and 'reaS bi l ity into these• two functions. Debbie Carron rrijt fed to have more ir, urr.reGivr; at the August mee-Ling, Uebbie also ;t•.ati rd {hat the gun 3afa:y pr ogrnro is a lway3 put on by Community Education but it was noted that C i Ly Hall Could be used for this funcrLllon. d: Safety vamp Peportz Debbie Cur'ron stated that JEft Ashfal hired Michpllp E3errj, to be ttfl• lend st ft per Fnn and mare wiI I he reportel on at the, August hoard Meeting. �U will Il)1.1 9. Capital vem ram - questions that need tO be answered bV the Park Board are (1) vilrat wi I I be ntLr ded for 1995 and (2) what wi 11 it cost. Thasa gUideline5 must b& suhrnitted tQ thct City COUnCil far consideration for the 1995 budget. It WAS di5Gu55ed that SOM City Park Boards request an overall 7-1P, budget yearly_ Our board members stated that this would be fine in a year where we tort not rerluustinq a lama amount of monetary a-Wstance neZing to be mctLched in grant applications, as wQ have this year. Some expen5e5 need to be alTocated from a general fund such as, maintenance M Uhe upcoming park, trash removal, etc_ It war. Stated and agreed that over time our aerating expenres wiTT increase but for now w2 'wlll need to deal with these expenses as they risme lap. The Park Board does not necessarily need to :ame up with a enpifal -it imProvemt-" r•ezquL-st fcir 1995 but rather, a general 4:nP�;n5r, budget veh i h i5 anticip,itcd to be rrrinimal for , lgq, 10, Other - Carl Swenson stated that the sentence to Sotyice crew hes 5fated they will have time in the near future to remove dead branches and to prune the large trees a; needed. Carl mkido a mrfflon to approve the work by the crew, Da.r lyn Kofoed seconded, and motion was approved. 11.k'i�h rrU tier Lher bu3lness .� discuss, Vehhie Carron im0finned to adjourn_ Tom Con;tant seconded the mc;tion, Motion approved- Dat--ed; pproved_Dated: July 18r 1994 aaelyn Kia ed, Secret#y ' Park, a tiPrreation cammission I1d•rNA.i :1 i.i`i• }�i_ �.. ��41; �U Ot-l:1, OTSEGO PARKS &. RECREATION COMMISSION 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, Mn. 55330 July 18, 1994 RE: Quote for asphalt trail Dear Contractor: The City of Otsego Park and Recreation Commission is now accepting quotes for the first phase of the new Otsego Prairie Park. Enclosed herein are the specifications needed to quote this trail. Quotes will be received until July 22, 1994 and forwarded to the City Council for approval. If interested please forward you quote to the above noted address. Thanks! Cordially, ��61V Thomas Baillargeo .,/ Chair Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission