09-13-94 PRBAILLARGEOn REPAIR Sun Sep 11 1994 12:11 pm Page 1 of CITY OF OTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Sept 13, 1994 - 8.01PM ADGENDA 1. Chair Thomas Baillargeon will call meeting to order 2. Review of the minutes from the August 2, Meeting. 3. Open forum A. Pam Black of Community Education. B. Randy Reznick MNDOT 4. Recreation Coordinator. 5. Historical Society. 6. Grant applications. 7. Skating Rink report. 8. Otsego Prairie Park construction. 9. Fall Activities. 10. Winter Activities. 11. Articles for Star News and Otsego View. 12. Capitol( Improvement Program. 13. Other items or concerns of the Commission. 16. Adj ourn .