10-11-94 PROTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oct. 11, 1994 Members present: Tom Constant Carl Swenson Floyd Roden (Council) Tom Baillergeon Darlyn Roche Martin Debbie Carron Darlene Solberg Merlin Otto- Consultant 1. Tom C. brought meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. 2. Minutes of Sept. 13th meeting approved as printed. 3. Open forum- no one. 4. City council report- City council approved skating rink proposal with addition of phone. Phone will be in the warming area, local calls only. Council okayed blading of hill. Fly ash was not approved for the hill because of heavy metal content. 5. Historical Society- Applications have been passed out for membership on committee. 6. Grant applications- -We need to start looking at trail corridors. Some suggestions to look at would be: 1) 39 with park site, 2) widening of Napier to Nashua, 3) Napier to section line to tree line (Bridgewater 100 ft. of wet land would be expensive, but more interesting, 3) Not a viable option through someone's yard. `DISCUSSION ONLY ON SOME OPTIONS. -**Handout on bike path corridor designs from Merlin **(See attached packet). Discussion- 35ft. corridors work well. Discussion also of need to purchase from landowners, and also discussion of land between city owned property near 39 and Nashua and Blanche Barsody's property. -Approximately $21,000 for land acquisition not in grant fund. If we use grant money for acquisition of land it would have to be clear title. -Other trail area- 85th to Otsego school. Possible back end of homes. Some screening would be needed. -Discussion of easements- Approach people in Country Ridge about what side for trail. East side (commercial). West -city has part of easement. About 1 acre needed for access. *Question?? What do we want for corridors. What kind of use? What kind of treadway? Ex. Biking? Roller-blading, ect.? Give as much buffer to existing homes as possible. Ideal is 35 ft., but could go less. 30ft.-35ft. need to have option of screening. *Motion made by Darlene S. and second by Darlyn K. that when purchasing and/or receiving undeveloped land for trails, the corridor width should be a 30 ft. minimum and a 35 ft. maximum. Passed. Merlin Otto will do recommendation for corridor alignment to the city council. 7. Scavenger Hunt -Sat. Oct. 16th at the city park. Michelle Berg will be in charge. Darlene S. has asked the Otsego Lions for some help, and also Debbie C. and Tom C. from Park and Rec. will help. 1-2:30 p.m. 8. Hayride- Will be held on Oct. 29th. Darlene S. gave an update of what will be happening and what will be needed. -We will need four haywagons and tractors. Floyd R. and Tom B. volunteered to be in charge of getting those. -Tom C. will bring stumps and planks to sit on at fire sight. -Fire: 1) Burning permit- Jeff A. will get, 2) Put out fire- Tom B., 3) Deb C.- will get treats, 4) Pumpkins- Deb C. and Tom B. will look into getting them. -Darlene talked to the Otsego Lions about helping- they will try and send as many as possible. Those people from the Park and Rec. who volunteered were Tom C., Tom B., Darlyn K., Deb C. -Boy Scouts will probably carve the pumpkins if we can get them to them. -Registration- We will need a staging area for the participants when they come. This includes for both registration and payment. Darlene will bring poster board and markers Saturday afternoon for registration sign. Tom C. will make. *As many as possible Rec. members will meet at 1:00 p.m. Saturday the 29th at the city park to organize for the evening's events. -Weather- has to be awful to cancel. 9. Winter Activities- -Sliding hill is ready- we hope to get more dirt if possible -Trail cut for hayride can be used of ski trail in winter. - Skating rink- need to hook up gas. Dave has gotten a water tank to use for flooding. Minor repairs need to be made. A phone will be installed in the warming house. *"Discussed safety on sliding hill and using bales to create a walkway. 10. Otsego Prairie Park- -Holding off on installation of volleyball standards until spring, -Grills will be held until spring -Have not heard from Pam Black- Tom B. will contact. -Dave Chase will have black dirt on trail shoulders for volunteers to rake, along with area around rink. 11. Articles for the Star News and Otsego View- -Announce ski trails - Skating rink information. *Note -In upcoming addition of articles there will be information about a skating rink open house and donations to CAER. 12. Landscape project- Floyd R. will let Judy or Elaine know about sending a letter to MNDOT informing them of our desire to be involved with this project in the future. 13. Capital Improvement- Tom C. and Merlin O. will put together information for our next meeting. 14. Snowmobile trail- Tom C. reported that the trail is pretty much finished. 15. Sign for park- Tom C. will talk to Wright Co. about a street sign on Co. 39 and Nashua. We would also like a sign for the park in cedar and yellow. 16. Darlene S. moved to adjourn at 9:59. Tom C. second. Passed K Nex+ Mf4 ' weal. tioO ate.- 9!3C Darlyn Koefed Park and Recreation Commission Secretary *Minutes taken by Darlene Solberg