01-10-95 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING .Jan. 10, 1995 - 7:30PM ADGENDA 1. Chair Thomas Baillargeon will call meeting to order 2. Review of the minutes from the Dec. 13, Meeting. 3. Open Forum. 4. Report City Council. 5. Recreation Coordinator. 6. Historical Society. 7. Merlin Otto. a. Istea Grant 1998 b. Istea Grant 1995 c. Outdoor Recreation Grant d. Dedication Fee's 8. Winter Fun Fest' a. Open House b. Dedication c. Golf d. Medallion Hunt e. Other 9. Otsego Prairie Park Sign 10. Visit with Santa. 11. Groomer. 12. Election of Officers. 13. Other concerns and items of Commissioners. 13. Adjourn