01-10-95 PRCity of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of the January 10, 1995 Meeting Members Present: Tom Baillargeon (Chairman) Suzanne Ackerman (Council Member) Debbie Carron Bill Olson (Alternate) Darlyn Kofoed Tom Constant Darlene Solberg Rocke Martin Guests: Renee Kosloski Jeffrey A. Clionnard At 7:35 p.m. Tom Baillargeon called the meeting to order. 1. The board members present reviewed the minutes of the December, 1994 meeting. It was stated that the American Legion was mistyped and should have been VFW. Darlene Solberg moved to approve the minutes with the change noted. Roche Martin seconded the motion. All approved. 2. Open Forum: no issues were addressed. Report from City Council Representative: no issues were addressed. 4. Recreation Coordinator's Report - Subcommittee Report: First discussion topic was the upcoming Winter Festival. There was going to be a golf tournament and a Frisbee tournament. Written rules would be provided to participants. Registration fee would be $4.00 per person. There was an ad printed in the Community Ed. Booklet. Secondly, it was decided that the bike rodeo would be held in May of 1995. Recommendations for future events were Easter Egg Hunt, Roving Parks (games on wheels) provided through the joint powers funds; and Arbor Day Celebration. Roche suggested that we prepare a grant to the DNR for seedlings for distribution for Arbor Day, and that we should discuss with Mark Wordaman. Darlene and Debbie would be meeting Jeff Ashfal soon regarding the Roving Park. Additional suggestions were entertainment in the park; safety camp; walking club; and a summer fest with a community picnic. It was also brought up that we may want to provided something like a WeeFest (country fest). Darlene Solberg moved that the board approved the Bike Rodeo and Safety Camps again in Summer of 1995 and to have 728 Area Recreation Program also assist in the planning of the two programs. Debbie Carron seconded motion. All approved. Roche also suggested looking into have a science museum on wheels come to the City Hall site as a civic project. We may be able to get help from civic organizations to assist in sponsoring such a program. It was also recommended that an advertisement be placed in the local paper for volunteers to assist in the preparation and planning of a summer festival. 5. Historical Society Report: no issues were addressed. 6. Merlin Otto's Report: The preparation of a 1998 ISTEA Grant Application should begin now for submission on 1/17/95. The City Council's recommendation is not to worry about matching funds, but to prepare the application for approval, and if we are accepted then it would be up to them to worry about where the funds would come from. This application would be for continued linkage of the City areas trails together. Off road bike trails on Nashua to Page, Nashua to Napier, and Odean to 78th. Total estimate would be $317,770.00. Merlin has drafted an application for review by the Council. Tile Park Board has asked Merlin to prepare a status report on all of the grants that they have and to also include future grants which will need to be prepared. 1995 Grant project memorandum for February submitted. There are environmental concerns and the Council needs to being looking into land acquisitions and construction drawings as soon as the letter is received for approval of Federal dollars. This plan should be available sometime around May 1 st. Outdoor Recreation Grant is $117,000. This is for additional trails, enhancements to the park fields, and for purchase of equipment. Construction is to begin summer of 1995. It is stated that the total available will probably be reduced to $100,000. It is recommended that the Park dedication fees paid by a developer should be increased. See Appendix B attached as a sample of what other cities are charging for new development in their cities. The Board recommended that we table the discussion until we received some direction from the City Council as to what their feelings were in this regard. 7. Winter Festival: Several articles were run in the local newspaper and donated by the Star News. There would be a medallion hunt with a prize of $390.00 and pizzas. Clues would be put into the Star News and also distributed by local businesses. Local banks contributed money for the prize. Plaques would be handed out to Floyd Roden and Carl Swenson for commemoration of service to the Park Board. There will be a five hole golf course set out with traffic cones. There will be chili and drinks sold to participants. Trophies were purchased. A bonfire and hayride would also be provided at the Park. Thank you card would be sent to Rons Foods Store and Sun -Mart for donation of refreshments provided at Christmas with Santa. 8. Miscellaneous: The maintenance crew is continuing to clear the brush in the park. They have been able to assemble the picnic tables for the park. It is suggested that the skating rink be expanded in 1996. And Beaudry's has filled the propane heater. The people working at the rink think that Otsego's rink is much better that other neighboring rinks, and that the facilities are extremely nice for skaters. 9. Park Sign: nothing to report. 10. Santa Visit at Christmas: The Board discussed the response to this program. Twenty children attended the visit with Santa. The Lions did an excellent job on preparing for the program. Motion was made by Darlene Solberg and seconded by Rocke Martin recommending that if the Lions does not want to continue this program next year, the Park and Rec Board will discuss it early in November, 1995 and/or have it advertised through the 728 Project. H. . The City maintenance crew and Tom Baillargeon made a snow trail groomer. It is pulled and dragged by a tractor and does a very nice job. It is all steel construction. 12. Ron Black advised Tom Baillargeon that there was a Pavilion at Tanners Lake in Woodbury, Minnesota that the owner wanted to be moved. It was appraised at $175,000, and if we have it moved the owner will donate to us for $0.00. It used to be the Jolly Green Giant Vegetable Stand. Motion was made by Darlene Solberg and seconded by Darlyn Kofoed to check into having the City inspection and engineer go to Woodbury and check out the building, prepare a feasibility study, and advise this Board of potential problems. 13. Election of Officers: a. President - Tom Constant moved to elect Tom Baillargeon for another term as president, Tom B. accepted the nomination, Debbie Carron seconded the motion, and all approved. b. Vice President - Debbie Carron moved to elect Tom Constant for another term as vice-president, Tom C. accepted the nomination, Roche Martin seconded the motion, and all approved. C. Secretary - Debbie Carron moved to elect Darlyn Kofoed for another term as secretary, Darlyn K. denied the nomination. Darlyn Kofoed moved to elect Debbie Carron as secretary, Debbie C. accepted the nomination, Roche Martin seconded the motion, and all approved. 14. Other: On February 11, 1995, the Boy Scouts would like to hold their yearly Jamboree at the City Park. There will be about 200 boys for the day. They will have a bonfire, create snow sculptures, and cook outdoors. The Board discussed this event and it was decided that the Park & Rec Board needed to set policies as to use of the park. i.e. satellite facilities, damages, etc. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. 15. Debbie Carron moved to adjourn the meeting, Roche Martin seconded the motion. All approved. Dated: January 10, 1995-._.__.....T ll' t ( Darlyn Kofo , Secretary Park & Recreation Commission