02-14-95 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1995 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Tom Baillargeon (Chairman) Suzanne Ackerman (Council Member) Debbie Carron Vern Heidner (Council Member) Tom Constant Merlin Otto (Hakanson Anderson) Darlene Solberg Mark Vetsch (Otsego Lions) Jeff Bartheld (First Alternative) 7:30 PM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOLLOWS: 1- TOM MBAILL AR GE ONWILCAL LM MEETING ORDER: ......................__, ......__L...._ ....._ . ......... . .. _ Tom Baillargeon called the meeting to order a 7:30 pm. .... ... _............ REV_I, E W....._O F...„ ,T H.E .,_M I_N U TES... _F R 0 M,..... THE .._._J A N_ _ 1 .....,,_0 T H.._._M E E T I_N..G _ Darlene Solberg moved to approve the minutes. Debbie Carron seconded. 3. .... _._.......... PEN.._.. F O R QM Otsego Lion's representative Mark Vetsch inquired if the Park Board would be interested in coordinating The Great River Road Fest of 1995. The Lions are interested in having the Fest this year and would Like to take care of a food booth. Mark informed us that Pam Black is not interested in coordinating. The Park Board agreed to check out the possibility of organizing and will gather some of the basic information by the next meeting. A date of July 1st is being looked at. 4................_REPORT.,_„ F R O M...._THE _...,CITY ,._,._COUNCIL: _. Suzanne is attending a "Power With Trees" seminar on March 11th and will bring back information to the Park Board. Elaine Beatty has inquired about the possibility of the Park Board having a Secretary. The Board agreed that we need one. Debbie Carron moved that we table discussion of a secretary until Suzanne Ackerman acquires more information from the City Council. 5.RECREATION COORDINATOR: INAT O R: ._............. __.,._ Discussion was opene on closing date of skating rink. Debbie Carron moved that we table discussion until meeting with Jeff Asfahl to discuss cost. Tom Constant seconded. 6..., ............. H_I STOR I_C AL....._S0 C_I_E T Y._.._ No news at this time. The Historical Society will be meeting February 23. 7.MERLIN OTTO: ................ ............. ...........I................_...............I..................... See attached report Use of compost from local tree trimmer was vetoed. Only Class 1 compost may be used. Tom B. and Merlin discussed starting a nursery for plant replacement and for new plants in the park. Tom Constant moved and Darlene Solberg seconded tabling of dedication fees discussion until next meeting. 8. WINTER FUN FEST 1994 Winter Fun Fest was a success. Debbie moved that we hold a 1995 Fun Fest. Jeff B. seconded. Jeff B. will look at purchasing a trailer for Park use. 9. OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK SIGN: .......................................................................... ...........................I .......................... __.................. _ Park Board agreed on lettering of sign to read OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK on first line and WELCOME on second and that we will paint it. We will check with the Otsego City Ordinance regarding size. 10 ... .................. . PREPARATION FOR SPRING EVENTS: ..............................................................................._..................... _................................. ............................................. Bike Rodeo is scheduled for May 20th. Darlene and Debbie will meet with Jeff. 11. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: Will be tabled until next meeting. Will be scaled down to pertain only to Otsego Prairie Park. 12. BUILDING REPORT: The City Council has determined that moving the used Green Giant building for use at Otsego Prairie Park would probably not be cost and time effective. Tom Constant moved and Darlene Solberg seconded that Tom Baillargeon and Merlin Otto contact the owner about other possibilities such as partial removal 13. GREAT RIVER ROAD FEST: Discussed in Open Forum. 14. PAY BILLS: ................................................................ _...................... _ Darlene Solberg motioned to pay expense list submitted by Jerry Perrault. Tom Constant seconded. 1 . .......................................... ............................................................................................I...................... Vern Heidner suggested a rocket launch class be held at the Park. He would help coordinate along with Mini Golf. Tom B. has received a letter from the City of Elk River regarding use of their ski trail groomer. He will thank them and look at use of it for next winter. 1.6, ............ ........ ADJOURN. Darlene moved that the meeting be adjourned. Debbie seconded. D4-Tt DE ORAH CARRON, SECRETARY