02-14-95 PRMEMO TO: Otsego Parks File BY: Merland Otto OTSEGO GRANT STATUS REPORT February 14, 1995 FY95 ISTEA This project which is administered through Mn/DOT is currently in the project development stage. We have completed the Project Memorandum including the environmental document which will be submitted to Mn/DOT approximately 2/15/95. Mn/DOT's approval of the document is required prior to initiating land acquisition. It's anticipated that this approval process will take approximately two weeks for preliminary review and up to 12 weeks for final approval. This step must be accomplished prior to initiating land acquisition or preparation of construction plans. Attached is a diagram illustrating the approval process. On February 3, 1 attended a meeting with DNR grants administrators and other grant recipients. DNR is estimating that grant agreements should be approved in March. No costs other than preliminary engineering costs can be incurred prior to the executed agreement and be eligible for grant costs. We have initiated survey work on locating the newly constructed path, hard surface area, sledding hill and redefining the westerly wooded edge. We have also developed several conceptual grading plans and will refine these to a preferred plan. Our intent is to prepare construction documents so that the project could be bid in late March or early April for a June construction start date. FY98 ISTEA GRANT APPLICATION This grant application was submitted on January 17, 1995. 1 do not expect to hear anything for several weeks regarding this grant application. I would further anticipate that the grant approval process would take at least six months. OTHER ITEMS DNR Tree Planting Grant Roche Martin, is pulling this together. Intent would be to plant seedlings on the west park boundary.