03-14-95 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 14, 1995 MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Baillargeon (Chairman) Tom Constant Debbie Carron Teri Kohler Roche Martin Bill Olsen Darlene Solberg Jeff Bartheld ( First Alternate) GUESTS Suzanne Ackerman (Council Member) Jeff Asfahl (Community Rec.) Merlin Otto (Hakanson Anderson) Floyd Roden Christopher Bulow (Below, Inc.) 7:30 PM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOLLOWS: 1. TOM BAILLARGEON WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Tom Baillargeon called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. 2..............._RE V.I_EW_..._OF....._THE ....._MINUTES,__....._FR OM_..._THF....._F EB..........._14TH,....._MEETING: __._... Tom Constant moved to approve the minutes. Darlene seconded. 3.OPEN FORUM: ............._.................... ..................................................... _ Mr. Chris Bulow from Bulow, Inc. is in the process of replat.ing the property on the corner of Nashua and asked if the Park and Rec Board would be interested in trading some land for City fees. Roche moved that we defer the decision to the City Council because of lack of interestby the Park and Rec Board. Debbie seconded. Tom B. presented a plaque to Floyd Roden in appreciation of work clone for the Park Board. 4...-.............. RE P OR T....._FROM....._C_I_T Y....._C OUNC.I_L We have been advised to wait until a Financial Advisor is hired for the City before we consider a Treasurer for the Park Board. We have been advised to leave the present Park Dedication Fees as they are for now. Power of Trees seminar was not attended. Darlene moved and Roche seconded a motion to schedule a Rocket Launching class through Margaret Thibodeau from Mini Golf for five days from 8:30 am until 9:30 am beginning July 17th after approving dates with City Council. 5. RECREATION COORDINATOR: District 728 Area Recreation has changed its name to Community Recreation Board. Jeff reported favorably on skating rink and skating lessons. We asked him for guidelines for 95'-96'. The Bike Rodeo is scheduled for May 20th. We will be charging a fee for the Safety Camp. Debbie moved and Tom C. seconded accepting a roving park playground program from Community Rec Board. We will be charging a fee. Details will be finalized by sub -committee. 7.MERLIN OTTO: ... ..._............................................................I......................... At the present we rank Sth in the recommendations for the FY98 ISTEA Grant. Merlin reviewed the ISTEA processes with us. He hasn't heard anything lately about the 1995 ISTEA Grant. ..................... W I_N T E R.._._F U N....._F E ST....._R E V_I_E W. Jeff B. reported on the availability of trailers for future park programs. 9........_......._S_I_G N. Debbie reported that the sign has been ordered from Wright County Park and Rec. and is being built within City regulations. 10. SUMMER EVENTS: .................................................................................................................. No news other than already discussed rocket launch and roving park. 11. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: Improvements will no longer be looked at by dates. It. will be more realistic to use phases. Merlin will make changes and additions to present schedule. Tom C. moved that we table discussion of Capital Improvement. Roche seconded. Tom B. suggested that he could do grading for new park construction. 12. BUILDING REPORT: No news 13. GREAT RIVER ROAD FEST: Tom moved and Darlene seconded leaving the planning of a Fest until 1996 and looking at a picnic instead. ADJOURN, Roche moved for adjournment and Darlene seconded at 10:30 pm. Deborah Carron Date Secretary -Park and Rec.