04-11-95 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 11, 1995 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Tom Baillargeon (chair) Larry Fournier (Council Rep.) Tom Constant Merlin Otto Teri Kohler Vern Heidner (Council Member) Bill Olsen Elaine Beatty (City Clerk) Jeff Bartheld Darlene Solberg Roche Martin (excused) Debbie Carron (excused) 7:30 PM REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING FOLLOWS: 1. Tom Baillargeon will call meeting to order: Tom Baillargeon called meeting to order at 7:30 pm. 2. Review of the Minutes from the March 14,___ 1.995 meeting ._ Darlene Solberg moved to approve the minutes as drafted. Jeff Bartheld seconded and the motion was carried. 3. men Forum Nothing. 4. Report City Council: Model rocket class is to be forwarded to .Jeff Asfhal. Nothing further from City Council. 5. Recreation Coordinator: The Bike Rodeo will be May 20th. Bill Olsen volunteered to :supply tools again. The Rodeo will have a. video, safety inspection of equipment and a. riding test. Anyone wanting to help will be appreciated. Roving park will cost $15.00 per person and needs 34 people to break even. A week in August is the target time. Sub -committee will compare with other communities and report progress next meeting. Tom Constant motioned to table :skating rink until next meeting. Darlene Solberg seconded and motion was carried. Tom Baillargeon will check on the hockey boards that may be available with Roche Martin. Safety Camp may operate two days rather than one as last year. It will require two staff persons if two days are used. It will be early summer. Sub -committee will report next meeting. Minutes of 04/07/95 and 03/95 attached. 5. _Historical Society_ No representative was present. 7. Merlin Otto: Council approval has been given to start the process of collect quotes and bids for the Otsego Prairie Park construction as per the 1995 Outdoor Recreation Gra.nt, CM Larry Fournier presented the Commission the Park Fund Disbursements 1995 budget. $15,000.00 was levied to PRC for 1995. Dedication fees and other collected funds were not listed. As of this .,.ccounting �11.?QQ.57 of the $15,000.00 has been spent. Because the original grant amount was for $117,000.00 and the DNR would only fund a grant of $100,000.00 some down sizing may occur. The playground area will cost. approximately $22,000.00 and is not possible to spend less. The seed and mulch for fields is estimated to be $10,000.00 and could only be reduced if less excavation is completed. With the remaining costs the project cost will be $92,000.00. Volunteer labor and city staff help could account for credit of the volunteer account. This project. has a two year window for completion and could help with the cost.. A comment was made that there may be approximately 928,000.00 available from the park dedication fees. Discussion continued with looking at other options and putting off purchase the playground equipment or fencing__. But any major allocation by the grant will have to be completed within the completed time. Merlin Otto suggested reducing the grant to: Play ground equipment $23,250.00 Engineering costs 25 to 27% $17,000.00 Seed, mulch and fertilizer $10,000.00 Grading (reduced) $16,000.00 Ag lime $6,000,00 Estimated total $72,250.00 Tom Constant asked CM Fournier if the council was supportive with this project. CM Fournier felt that the funds are coming out of the dedication fees. Discussion of the dedications fees followed. Elaine Beatty wondered if the Wright Hennepen Electric Round Up program would allow for a grant to support the park. Elaine will check. Lions of Otsego have volunteered to help with assembling the play equipment. The soccers association offered help for the soccer field. Now is the time to get firm commitments from all for their help. Merlin has checked on the play equipment and it will be about six weeks for delivery. Darleen Solberg moved to allow Merlin Otto to get the needed quote for the play equipment. Motion passed. Darleen Solberg made motion to likewise collect the quote on the cushioning surface. Motion passed. Merlin Otto suggested that the grading be cut in half to save costs. Teri Kohler made motion to cut the grading in half. Jeff Bartheld seconded. Motion passed. Darleen motioned to collect the quotes for grading as needed. Tom Constant seconded. Motion passed. 9. Preparation Summer events (new events): See Recreation Coordinator report item 5. 10. Capitol Improvement Program Otsego Prairie Park: Merlin Otto presented to the commission the final draft of the CIP for Otsego Prairie Park.-- The years of completion have been removed and replaced with phases. Darleen Solberg_ made motion to accept. the CIP for Otsego Prairie Park with the option to revise later as needed. Teri Kohler seconded. Motion carried. 11. Building Report: Tom Baillargeon has tried to contact the owner but has been unsuccessful. Will continue to try to reach him. Darleen was wondering where the money for the shelter and t ria fund. is, 12. Great River Road Fest'/Picnic: Tom Baillargeon made an appearance at the city council meeting. The council in no way wants the PRC to put on the Great River Road Fest'. The reason given was that if the event would go in the red the city could not bail it out.. CM Heidner stated it's the law. Darlene suggested that this event be reduced to a picnic with the zoo mobile and entertainment. Further have the recreation coordinator set up games. The cost would be for the staff and the zoo mobile. Only option is to separate from the Fest' and have a picnic. The zoo mobile would cost $250.00 and a recreation person $7.00 per hour for four hours $28.00 total. Tom Constant suggested a picnic without the zoo mobile but continue the games. It could be a volunteer appreciation picnic. Tom Constant moved to have a volunteer appreciation picnic with games provided by the recreation coordinator from 1:00 to 5:00pm on a Sunday in August. Bill Olson seconded, passed. 13. Pav Bills Invoice from Wright County for the construction of the park sign. This invoice only included material and no labor as per PRC agreement. Jeff Bartheld made motion to pay Wright County. Darlene second, passed. 14. Items of concern of other Commissioners: Next meeting the information that has been collected for the dedication fees will be added to the a.dgenda for review and recommendation to city council. 15. Adjourn Darlene motioned to adjourn. Tom Constant second. Passed. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Ba.illargeon, Chair Otsego Park and Recreation Commission Attachments: Roving Playground Minutes Planning sub -committee 04/95 Timber "R' Scape and site plan Force account work or volunteer Outdoor Recreation Grant cost est. Park fund disbursements Otseqo Prairie Park CIP :3.