04-11-95 PR4/7/95 Otsego Park and Recreation Commission - Planning Sub- committee Meeting Summary from : 4/6/95 Attendance: J.Asfahl, Darlene, Debbie I will not be able to be in attendance at the next Commission meeting, Please share this information. Thanks!! - Bike Rodeo: Set for May 20th, 10:30 - 12:30. Arrangements have been made to utilize the city hall. Volunteers for this event are very helpful. A list of commissioners who are willing to help will be compiled. A variety of hand tools are also needed to be available. Jeff will submit a list of needs at a future meeting and begin organizing. This event is Free. Budget to cover $75 - Safety Camp: Scheduled to take place June 19 -20 from 9-3. The participants will be asked to bring a bag lunch. We will provide the beverage and another mid-day treat. This program will have a user fee to cover costs associated with this program. A $350 budget was planned to support this event. The Community Recreation program will manage this event to not exceed that budget limit. - Roving Playground: This was supported at your last commission meeting. The sub -planning committee was asked to determine the fee options. This same program is going to take place in other communities as well and those communities may fully support the program with no fee being requirec by the consumer. Not all funding is yet known at this time from each specific community. The sub planning committee suggests waiting to see what the other communities support before a final determination is known. The sub -committee is aware that the Park Commission favors a fee and decided that the $12-$15 range was acceptable, but is interested in seeing what other communities offer and want to be comparable to them. Jeff A. will be following up at a later time with fee information and ask for a final determination and decision by the Park and Recreation Commission. The Roving Playground program will only be introduced as a "tickler" in the summer brochure. A full marketing campaign will take place later this spring and throughout the summer. There remain to be to many details yet outstanding to fully cover in the Summer brochure (it goes to print April 19 ) Entertainment in the Park: It was decided that on July 1 st the Zoomobile be asked come to Otsego Prairie Park and also that the Community Recreation program would organize and staff a variety of "old fashioned " family type activities (balloon toss, gunny sack races, etc. The time will be determined but would target a time that would be considerable for a family to picnic. Example: 1:00 start, which would allow the participants to picnic just prior. Jeff A. will report on the final details when set. He is hopeful of having them arranged before the summer brochure goes to print. The subcommittee would like to call this event the " Otsego Prairie 3/95 Roving Playground Concept for consideration for implementation in summer'95 Objective: To eliminate the transportation barrier and enable easier access for youth to participate in organized recreational activity. Via bus transportation, the participants will be able to board the bus within their neighborhood and be taken to a park setting where they will be greeted by recreation staff and participate in a multitude of recreational activities. General information: The program will meet one day per week for a 2 hour time block. (5 weeks, most likely to be in August ) The bus will have a number of pick-up locations enroute to the final destination. The program will be staffed with qualified recreation personnel. A ratio of approx. 12 participants -1 staff will be targeted. Targeted age group will be 5-15. Activities will be available with age appropriateness considerations. Cost Breakdown: -Bus: $50 per day x 5days == $250 Staffing: $40 per day x 5 = $200 Miscellaneous supplies / Equipment = $50 Total Projected cost = $500 A. ) User fee oriented with no subsidy. Examples: a fee of $20 per participant would require 25 paid registrants. The value of that $20 would approximate out to $2 per hour or $4 per day. $15 fee would require 34 registrants $10 fee would require 50 registrants Pros: minimal risk of cost Con: May suppress participation, lose confidence in consumer, high administrative registration management, risk having to cancel and consumer has already made considerable arrangements and counting on this program. B.) Fee per time attended. Fee could range anywhere from $1 -$5 ( optimal range ) Pros: Allows flexibility on behalf of the participant, would generate some revenue to help reduce the subsidy level. Con: staff will have to administer fee collection, some may abuse ( Forget $, etc. ) C.) No fee. Sponsored by City, Service Organization, etc. Pro: Likely to be well utilized, allows the consumer some flexibility Con: Requires a funding source 0 lime .. M-.: The City executed the grant agreement with DNR and has submitted it for processing. We will be able to begin incurring costs eligible for grant reimbursement immediately (subject to DNR approval). We have been in the process of preparing bid documents for park improvements. With federal funds, all construction contracts over $10,000 must be awarded through competitive bid process. For the Otsego Park Improvements, we anticipate one bid package for: Grading/excavation 18,000 CY $31,500 Silt fence 650 LF 1,300 15" CMP w/aprons & trashguards* 25 LF 2.100 Estimate: 534,900 *Possible City forces ✓ `� `"� Less formal "Request for Quotes" can be taken for purchase of materials. Major purchases would include: Playground equipment Gametime 6221 *$15,550 (modified for HC) Playground surfacing 135 CY 5,800 Backstops 2 4,500 Safety fence 80 LF 800 J _Ag lime 600 T 12,000 Mulch 20 T 4,600 Fertilizer 2.5 T 900 Seed 2100 LB 4,500 Timbers & rerods 59/118 1,900 2" bituminous (1580 LF) 172 T 4,300 4" Class V 432 T @ 6 2.600 $ 57,400 *Approximately $4,450 of modifications are for handicapped accessibility. The estimated cash expenditures for construction contract services and materials purchases, thus, are anticipated to be in the range of $92,000. Since the grant amount is for $50,000, the minimum cash amount expended by the City will exceed $42,000 since engineering costs (including staking and periodic inspection) will also be incurred. In kind contributions through either force account or volunteer labor can make up the remaining portion of the City's 50% share. Tasks which are contemplated for volunteer efforts or donations are: Soccer goals (Three Rivers) Install playground equipment, perimeter timbers and surfacing (200 hours) Install sign, volleyball, picnic facilities Tree clearing 0.05 acres 20 hr. @ $5 Remove fence 560 LF 8 hr. @ $5 Haul and spread topsoil 7300 CY 200 hrs. @ $40 Haul and spread topsoil 7300 CY 200 hrs. @ $20 Seed bed preparation 10.5A @ 16 hrs. @ $30 Seed and mulch 32 hrs. @ $40 Spread ag lime 24 hrs. @ $40 Pave 1580' trail 8 hrs. @ $40 24 hrs. @ $5 Estimated Value of Volunteer & Force Accouting Work: $2,000 1,000 500 100 40 8,000 4,000 480 1,280 960 320 It appears, based on best "guesstimates", that volunteer and force account tasks would be valued around $19,000 as roughly outlined above. We need to determine: • Scope of work in the bid package • Scope of overall project • Firm commitments to perform work by volunteers • Firm commitments to perform force account work and allocate equipment We obviously need to know who is doing what prior to putting together a final bid package. HaKanson Anderson ■iii Assoc ,Inc Aft' OkA. M n- me �[x 55303 oft/aZ7 5350 Fax k>:i:a27.3401 To. : �o yyl.0., Aim Transmittal Date: A f A � Project: !Ats-oz, We are sending you: Attuned Separately by Messencer Shop Drawings L Specifications ❑ Change Order ❑ Inspection Report �! Prints C Reports ❑ contracts ❑ ivlernmandurr No. of Drawing or Cap-ies Ref. No. Descrimion These are transmitted as checked: ".o Fxceptions TLken iJ Moie Markings ❑ For Your us,- Comments szComments Attached LI As Reau_5ted Revise & '?�e ubenit ElReview & CUmmEnt For Si gnat; re M, — f Le t r ra -on Woodland Wonder Timb'R'Scape System • Powder Coated galvanized steel pipe components and handrails. • Rotationally molded slides. Model No. 6221 Woodland Wonder in Pressure -Treated Pine Deck Heights: 3' (9 1 cm) 4'(1 22cm) 50 52cm) 6'(1 83cm) Model No. R6221 Woodland Wonder in Redwood Actual equipment size: 28'0"x 31'0" (853cm x 945cm) Minimum recommended play area: 42'0"x 5070 280em x 1524cm) -cio 0 10 Child capacity: 30-35 Ages: 5 to 12 years GameTime in Fort Payne, Alabama Colors: Beige Slides and Panels, Green Accents Z 24 0JA AP.- of % Z., -k 7 Z7. ZAP, TIC-TAC-TOE ENCLO. W/ BRAILLE BELOW DECK BUBBLE PANEL PLASTIC WAVE SLID: SUNG ENCLOSURE RUNG ENCLOSURE 5 4 1 RUNG ACCESS 'B PLEL BARS EAM ARCH BRIDGE ARAL BALAN- ,, RUNG STEERING WHEEL ENCLOSURE RUNG ENCLOSURE LOOP LADDERPLASTIC SLIDE INCLINED LADDER SHADED AREA= SAFETY MARGIN WOOD ENCLOSURE — MOLDED CAMERA 1/51 MAINLINERDOUBLE SLIDE ANGLE N, 41' • L :l • ■ir- 1ms .I .:1. 0 scioi SMH A46 /M 3GrU WWO