05-09-95 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA COMMISSION MEETING MAY 9, 1995 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Tom Baillargeon (chair) Suzanne Ackerman (Council Rep.) Bill Olson Merlin Otto (excused) Darelene Solberg Roche Martin Tom Constant (excused) Jeff Bartheld (excused) Teri Kohler (excused) 7:30 PM REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING FOLLOWS: 1. Tom Baillargeon will call meeting to order: Tom Baillargeon called meeting to order at 7:30 pm. 2. Review of the Minutes from the April 13, 1995 meeting: Darlene Solberg Moved to approve the minutes as drafted. Roche Martin, Second. Motion Carried. 3. Open Forum• Nothing. 4. Report City Council: The purchase of the playground equipment and materials needed has been approved by city council. Minnesota Play at $21,033.00 and South side Lumber $1,021.20 respectfully. A 3% discount of $510.57 can be obtained by prepaying with the order. Roche Martin made motion to prepay with the order as to receive the discount. Darlene Solberg second, motion passed. Likewise bids for the excavation, silt fence and ag. lime where reviewed. Each bidder was asked to bid the project in three different forms. ThP low bidder was Dennis Fehn at $35,750.00. Bids from Matt Bullock at $61,607.00 and Veit & Company of $68,620.00 where also received. After a lengthy discussion of the lack of topsoil needed for good turf establishment Roche Martin made motion to delay the excavation until such time as the black dirt could become available. Darlene Solberg second, motion carried. Dedication fees where again reviewed and drafted to fulfil the city ordinance. Darlene Solberg voluntiared to prepare the documents needed and supply the to Suzanne Ackermann for council review. Trail dedications fees where reviewed and motion was made to amend the city ordnance by Roche Martin to increase the trail dedication fees to 1% of fair market value of the land for commercial, industrial and multi -family dwellings. Residential be amended to .05% of fair market value of the lot. Darlene Solberg second, motion carried. Discussion was received on agricultural land was sought but no action was taken at this time. 5. Recreation Coordinator/sub-committee Plans are under way for the safety camp. At this time it's to early receive any idea as to the how this will be supported by the community. The camp will again follow past format and sub -committee will report as the event draws near. Further it's to early for any information on the rocketry event. The Recreation Coordinator will prepare information on the picnic on games etc. and report later. 6. Sign Debbie Carron and Tom Constant where unavailable for reports on the sign and site plan. 7. Pay bills. Darlene Solberg met with Phillis on the money spent by the PRC and funds available at this time. It's to early for any report but when completed Darlene Solberg will report to the PRC. S. Other items of concern Joint meeting has been arranged with the city council July 11, 1995 at the PRC regular meeting. Bill Olson suggested that the PRC meeting be recorded. Bill Olson made motion to obtain a tape player for less than $50.00 and 12 tapes. Roche Martin second, motion passed. 12. Adjourn Motion was made by Darlene Solberg to adjourn second by Bill Olson. Motion passed. ;Resp tfully submitted Thomas- Baillarge n, Chair 2. 8RS ASPHALT Fri ,Tun 09 19% 9:57 an Page 1 of 3 CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARk AMD RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY Of WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA COMMISSION MEETING May 9, 1995 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Tom Baillargeon (chair) Merlin Otto Tom Constant Suzanne Ackerman Council Rep. Teri Kohler Dill Olsen Jeff Bartheld Darlene Solberg Debbie Carron (excused) 7:30 PM REGULAR C10"M ISS IGM MEET 1MG FOLLOWS: 1. Tom Baillargeon will call nceting to order: Ton Bai1largean called Aeeting to usdcr at 7:38 pry. 2. Review of the Minutes from the April 11, 19% meeting: Darlene Solberg moved to approve the minutes as drafted. Teri Kohler seconded and the motion carried. 3. Open Forum: Otsego Lions would like to build a shelter in the park. Tim Daillargenn suggested that that bring in their plans fnr review by city. Bill Olson would like to fence his back yard. He will check with city staff. 4. Report City Council! Suzanne Ackerman reported that the picnic was oked by council. Council would like the information an the dedication fees by June 15. Toa Baillargeon offered to ,prepare the information needed and faruarded It to Suzanne. .Jerry Perrault was unable to atttzod the meeting but has sent to the commission reports of the fees etc.. DS. explained the reports. The council is looking at the addition of forty new residential lots that will collect more dedication fees. Also property near Christ Lutheran has been approved for commercial use and the fees will likewise be added. DS noted that there are funds available for the Lions shelter that have been collected. Merlin Otto submitted a break doom of his expenses which some will be reimbursed by the grant. See attachment. 5. Recreation Coordinator: The Bike Rodeo will be May 20th 10:38 to 12:31. Bill Olson volunteered to supply tools again. To" Baillargeon offered the use of his traffic cones. TC DO UK DS AMD JB offered to help. DS moved to not collect donations at this event. BO seconded, motion carried. TK will sae if she cnuId collect some prizes. Safety camp see attachment. Model Rocketry will be available see attachment. Roving park is still in the planning stage. Sub -committee would like August for the event. The event could run for five creeks and available one day a week. further reports will be given as the details are completed. Picnic will be August 13 from 1:00 to 5:00. Area Recreation will he in change of the event and games. % . oto will he needed for this event. Wright CUUO J agaln is roving an cvcut at thcIr pearR and wuuld IShe to have a joint venture with Otsego . DS motion to pay halt the cost for the entertainment cf the Flyers. DC seconded, motion carried. DS wt crated to ae"d a thank you t 3 Wright Fri Jun g9 1995 9:57 an Page 2 of 3 8RS ASPHALT County for the sign. TC seconded, motion carried. 6. Merlin Otto: Merlin Otto has submitted the information on the playground equipment. See attachment, TK was wondering if the price Of the equipment was nagotiab!e. DS will look into donations. DC will get &pplication from Wright Electric for play equipment. DS moved to submit to council the quotes for the surface, timbers ands play equiprwcnt. J8 seconded, Motion passed. TC moved to liVewlse submit the associate costs needed for the construction or the play area as needed. Ti{ seconded, motion passed. TK motioned to have maintenance staff help with construction of park. JB seconded motion was approved. DS motioned to collect bids for grading. TC seconded motion approved. DC motion as July 15, 1995 as assembly day for the equipment if available. DS seconded, motion carried. DS will provide the information to the Uiew. JB will talk to the Lions. ISTEA Grant: nothing to report. ?. Dedication fees rail dedication fees will be work information enclosed. T on at future Meetings. S. Landfall building: Letter sent nothing ne+o. 9. Sign: The sign needs mare things added. Til will get the information to DC. TC still working on the drawing for the site. t0. Pay bills: Mothing It. Other Items= May 20, 1995 1:80 N work day for the park. construction could start with the picnic sites and volley ball area. 12. Adjourn TC motioned to adjourn. TK seccnded. Motion passed. JB excused for June 16 ,fleeting. Bill Olson excused for the meeting at Alberuille. Attachments: Expenses flerlin Otto Camwanity Recreation Dedication Fees Quotes Date Signatur R