PARK & RECREATION MEETING February 21, 2001 - 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order - Chair Mike Day
Mike Day called the meeting to order.
2. Roll Call i
Commissioners Mike Day, Tom Constant and Tom Baillargeon. Jerry Struthers council rep.
3. Additions or Changes to the Agenda i
Under 5. Open Forum add a. Haunted House and b. Julie Pearson Roden
4. Review Minutes of January Meeting
Tom Baillargeon moved to approve both sets of minutes as drafted, seconded Tom Constant.
5. Open Forum
a. Haunted House
Mike Day would like to see more community involvement and wondered if it's possible to recruit
some help. Discussion also included walls that roll up and can be stored easily. A floor
plan was discussed along with s fety. Tom Baillargeon moved to create a drawing of
the floor plan, general rules of operation and safety rules. Second Tom Constant,
passed. Tom Constant will draw the floor plan, Tom Baillargeon the safety rules and
Mike Day rules of operation.
b. Julie Pearson Roden.
Julie discussed the Terrific Tuesday pro ram for Otsego this summer. It appears to be�
growing and would be a good in stment this summer. It would again be run over six
week period. Tom Baillargeon m ved and Tom Constant seconded a motion to
approve this event with a budge limited. Passed.
Likewise discussed was the egg hunt and basket making. Mike Day moved to approve wit i a
two hundred budget, seconded Tom Constant, passed.
6. Review of Proposed Park and Trails Plan Discussion of meeting with Planning
Tom Baillargeon pointed out the the plan drafted was lacking some important errors in the
inventory of the city's recreation facilities. Further the maps lacked the proper deta
needed. Tom would like to see this brought todate before it is sent to the planning
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commission. March meeting all parties will get together to get this completed. M
7. Mike Robertson - Administrative Update
Mike was not able to attend but sent a memo that1was read. (Enclosed)
8. Council Representative Suzanne Ackermaln
Suzanne was ill and not able to attend sofJerry Struthers appeared for her. He would like toM
see the city purchase some additional land for a major park development with in the
city. This would be a long term goal for possible completion in thirty years. More to
9. Adjoumment
Tom Constant moved, seconded Mike Dar and passed.
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