06-13-01 PRMEMO Date: March 14, 200 To: Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Update on Agenda Items & other issues of interest I will not be able to attend the Park & Recreation Commission meeting tonight, so I have written this update of agenda items and other issues. Cynthia Putz- Yang of Northwest Consultants will be present to discuss the park plans and to make any changes requested by the Park Commission. 1. Pay Checks for Park Personnel - When park personnel are finished working, they fill out a time sheet and submit it to Michelle Berg at Community Recreation. She reviews the time sheets and then submits them to US. We process them through our payroll, which is done every two weeks. Depending on the timing of our receipt of the time sheet, it can sometimes take 2-1/2 to 3 weeks from when someone submits their time sheet to when they receive their check. The was one guy whose time sheet got buried on our accountant's desk and received his check later than he should. We have made certain that won't happen again. With regard to Julie Roden's missing check, upon review we found that she had received it but had forgot to record it in her checkbook. We made certain she received her next check before she left on her trip. 2. Capital Improvement- Plan - No Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) exists for parks or trails. Once the Park & Trail plan has been approved, I will prepare a CIP based on the approved plan and submit it to the Park & Recreation Commission for review. I am anxious to do this, because the CIP can be used to see if we are charging an adequate park & trail fee for residential developments. 3. gnrinkle_r System - No other work has been done on a sprinkler system for Otsego Prairie Park. Updating the previous cost estimates will be done as part of the ; Park & Trail CIP. 4. Park Development Fund - As of January 1, 2001 we have $632,169 in Park & Trail fees. 5. 2000 Park Budget - Park & Recreation Activities has a preliminary (unaudited) surplus in the 2000 budget of $1,550. Preliminary revenue figures show that Park & Recreation earned $3,424 in recreation fees and donations in 2000, for a surplus of $424. By previous Council direction, any Park Budget surpluses are transferred to the Park Shelter Fund to pay for the park shelter construction. The remaining funds needed to pay for the park shelter will come from the Park Development Fund. cc: City Council City staff Wkly W