08-08-01 PROtsego Park & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes August 8, 2001 — 7:00 pm 1. Chair Mike Day will call meeting to order Mike Day called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Mike Day, Tom Constant, Terry Long, PaUhne Nelson Absent: Tony Faust, Jim Gaikowski, Tom Baillargeon Council members: Council Representative Jerry Struthers City Staff. None Present Approval of Minutes There were no minutes from the July 11, 2001 meeting 2. Agenda Approval No changes were made to the agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of June 13,2001 Commissioner Constant made a motion to approve the minutes and Commissioner Long seconded it All were in favor. 4. Review of Minutes of July 11, 2001 None were taken -Chair Mike Day said he would review notes to provide minutes 5. City Administrator Update City Administrator was not present. Memo dated August 8, 2001 was reviewed by all present. Park & Trail Plan date for public hearing was noted and Council requested copies of the official plan for each of the Park & Recreation Commissioners upon approval. Picnic Table late delivery was noted. It was also noted that the new trees in Prairie Park needed some sort of edging to create a "moat" effect to prevent water run off. The Commission would request through the city that Maintenance could put a ring around the affected trees of mulch. 6. Haunted House Planning $300.00 allowed for 4 ads in local newspapers looking for volunteers and room sponsors for the haunted house. It was determined that the sponsors would be needed by mid September and that Sponsors could start decorating on October 0. Request made to have equipment moved and building sprayed for dust control before Labor Day. Commissioner Constant and Chair Day will set up meeting at local merchant to purchase supplies to complete the walls. Also, Commissioner Long will check with merchants for additional supplies to complete walls. Discussed was also adding a children's "Boo" Room and an emergency hallway along the back of the building. A motion was made by Commissioner Constant to purchase some sort of communication type headsets to use during haunted house, one for entry, in the middle and exit. Commissioner Constant to check for prices etc. Seconded by Commissioner Nelson. All were in favor. 7. Other Business Council Member Struthers would like to see some sort of Festival planned for the city. Chair Day and Commissioner Constant said they we have tried that in the past and there has been little or no participation. Council Member Struthers recommended a fall festival to be run in conjunction with the haunted house. Chair Day stated that if the committee could find volunteers that were committed to the project then the committee would be in support of that. Commissioner Constant expressed concern about the bike trail to the Otsego Elementary not being complete. He stated that it just stops, is bumpy, rough and has big weeds. Commissioner Constant also received a telephone call from a citizen expressing concern about the Kadler Trail Safety. Citizen stated that the cross over has no visibility. Issue was tabled until next committee meeting. 8. Adjournment Commissioner Constant motioned adjournment, seconded by Commissioner Long, all were in favor.