08-08-01 PR1�1: 4 Date: August 8, 2001 To: Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Park & Recreation Update I won't be able to be at the meeting.tonight so I am providing this written update. Please approve the Park & Recreation Commission minutes for June 13, 2001. Park & Trail Plan - The Park & Trail Plan is scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission on Monday, August 20, 2001. The Planning Commission will take comments, discuss the plan, and then make a recommendation to the Council. The plan becomes official upon Council approval. Picnic Tables - There is a large backlog at the manufacturer and our picnic tables won't be delivered until some time in September. New Trees in Prairie Park - The smaller trees in Prairie Park have been watered by Dennis McAlpine of McAlpine Well Drilling. Denny says that a handful of trees that are planted on slopes could use some edging or something around the trees to create a "moat" affect because he's afraid a lot of the water is running off and not reaching them. Please let me know if any of you are interested in tackling this project. The City would pay for all materials.