11-15-01 PRMEMO Date: November 5, 2001 To: Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: November Park & Recreation Meeting I have enclosed the Park & Recreation Commission agenda for next weeks meeting. I have an update on the following items. 1) Picnic Tables - The picnic tables have finally arrived. The City Maintenance staff will assemble them and put them out at the park shelter. 2) Springy Toys - The Maintenance staff will also assemble the "springy toys" and put them out at the park. 3) New Commissioner - A new commissioner, Jessica Stockamp, 15243 81St Court, has been appointed to the Park & Recreation Commission. 4) School Knoll Park - It's time to pick a date for the School Knoll Park informational hearing. School Knoll is the name given to the park that will be constructed next year just on the north side of Otsego Elementary School on the knoll with the oak trees. An informational hearing is less formal than a public hearing. The surrounding neighborhoods will be invited to see the park plans and comment on them. We will have several copies of the plans set up around the room. Myself and the City Planner will be present to help explain the plans. Council recommended that the hearing be held sometime in January through March of 2002.