02-13-02 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 2002 - 7:00 PM 1. Chair Mike Day will call meeting to order. Mike Day called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Mike Day, Tom Constant, Pauline Nelson, and Terry Long. Absent: Tom Baillargeon, Jim Gaikowski, and Jessica Stockamp. Councilmembers: CM Suzanne Ackerman. Review of School Knoll Park Information Meeting - After discussion, Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to recommend the following changes in the park Plan; 1) Remove the west basketball court. 2) Rotate the tennis court, slide it east, and reserve the second court area to the north as open space. 3) Add two benches by the play area. 4) Add additional parking spaces. 5) Add a unisex bathroom. 6) Add a sink with a roll -down cover with three 20 amp electrical outlets. 7) Provide fresh water use through a sprinkler, fountain, or water spray. 8) Add one bike rack. 9) Add four grills. 10) Add lights for parking area and lights for tennis and basketball courts. City Update - CM Ackerman updated Commissioners on Council business. Other Business - Commissioner Constant asked that the City install more signs for the bike trails stating "No Motorized Vehicles". Adlournment - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Long, moved to adjourn. Carried 4-0. Michael�eo4bertson.�ci ty Administrator