03-13-02 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 13, 2002 - 7:00 PM 1. Chair Mike Day will call meeting to order. Mike Day called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Mike Day, Tom Baillargeon, Tom Constant, Pauline Nelson, Jim Gaikowski, and Terry Long. Absent: Jessica Stockamp. Councilmembers: CM Suzanne Ackerman & CM Jerry Struthers. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. Approval of Minutes - Administrator Robertson said that he had not received any minutes from the February meeting. Commissioner Day said he would go over his notes to create minutes. Future Park Plans - CM Struthers noted the recent Council discussion on Park Design. There was discussion on the number of small parks and the future need for a large park on the west side of the city. Parrish Avenue Floodplain Area - Administrator Robertson updated Commissioners on Council's pursuit of a federal grant to purchase floodplain properties on Parish Avenue and their desire to see the area turned into a park. While commissioners thought this was a good idea, they felt that the area was too small for ball fields, too close to Otsego County Park to duplicate those services, and too cut off from the river by the levy wall to be a river access park. The consensus was that its best function was as open space with little or no park equipment located within. Other Business - Recreation - Commissioner Day asked if the City could use some of the $22,000 formerly spent on the Joint Powers Recreation Commission to hire someone part-time to organize and run T -ball, softball, soccer, and hockey in Otsego. Commissioner Baillargeon, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to recommend that the City Council hire a part-time recreation coordinator to organize and run recreation programs within Otsego. Carried 6-0. Snowmobile Trails - Commissioner Constant stated that he had ridden a snowmobile along the entire east side of Odean Avenue and that it could be done if the rider was going 10- 15 miles per hour. City Update - CM Struthers updated Commissioners on Council actions. Administrator Robertson updated them on proposed developments. Adjournment - Commissioner Baillargeon, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. Carried 6-0. Michael Robertson, City Administrator