04-10-02 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES APRIL 10, 2002 - 7:00 PM 1. Chair Mike Day will call meeting to order. Mike Day called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Mike Day, Tom Constant, Jim Gaikowski, Terry Long, Pauline Nelson, and Jessica Stockamp. Absent: Tom Baillargeon. Councilmembers: CM Suzanne Ackerman & CM Jerry Struthers. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. Approval of Minutes - Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Stockamp, moved to approve the minutes of February 13, 2002. Carried 6-0. Commissioner Day, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to approve the minutes of March 13, 2002. Carried 6-0. Discussion of School Knoll Park Plan - Commissioners objected that all of their suggestions for the park were not followed. After discussion, it was agreed that some of the Park & Recreation Commissioners would attend the April 22, 2002 Council meeting to discuss the issue with the City Council. Discussion of Recreation Issues - Commissioners felt that something needed to be done to increase recreational opportunities in Otsego. They felt that parents were too busy and that there would not be enough people to volunteer to organize recreation events. They felt a part-time recreation coordinator was needed to get things started and to coordinate volunteers. Adjournment - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Carried 6-0. /Michael Robertson, City Administrator City of Otsego Park and Recreation Minutes for 5-8-2002 Meeting called to order Roll call Jessica P Pauline P Terry P Jim A Mike D. P Tom C. P Jerry S. P Suc P Tom B. A Rose Cassadv P Cynthia P Agenda items added: 4a — Kadler avenue park 4b — North Parish Area 4c — School Knoll park Approval of Minutes from April 101h M by Pauline, S by Tom C. - Passed Unanimous 4. Otsego Prairie Park Motion: Install spring tovs Proceed with design for Prairie Park to include the following: Bathroom to be rented with shelter Kitchenette —rented with counter, sink and outlets with roll down cover accessible liom outside of building only. Irrigation system and well Power at kitchenette Swing acts at play arca Parking lot at shelter Showing park property at NW corner liom Hidden Trails Grills at shelter Bike rack at parking lot Bike path at perimeter of park (west end) Park benches at playgound and Otsego creek area M by Mike, S by Tom — Passed Unanimous. --- — ------ ....._. rage i or 3 4a Kadler avenue park Motion: Move forward on 5A park on Kadler Avenue design with park benches, picnic tables. playground equipment and grills for park and recreation review, citizen review and naming. M by Pauline, S by Tom — Passed Unanimous. 4b — North Parish Area Motion: No park funds be used for Parish avenue home buyout, because park development is needed around new developments and a park would not be needed on Parish avenue due to proximity to the county park. M by Tom, S by Pauline — Passed Unanimous 4c —School Knoll Park Motion: Approve plan for school knoll park with the recommendation that the city council consider installing 2 basketball courts and 2 tennis courts as requested in the citizen meeting on 1-9-02. M by Jessica. S by Pauline — Passed Una.uirnous. 5. —No city update. 6. Any other business. It was noted that there have been 4 citizen complaints regarding the lack of recreation activities in the city.