06-12-02 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 12, 2002 - 7:00 PM 1. Chair Mike Day will call meeting to order. Mike Day called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Mike Day, Tom Constant, Jim Gaikowski, Pauline Nelson and Rose Cassady. Jessica Stockamp arrived at 7:10 p.m. Absent: Terry Long and Tom Baillargeon. Councilmembers: CM Jerry Struthers. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. Jean Schneider of Island View Estates was present. Approval of Agenda - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Gaikowski, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Carried 5-0. Commissioner Stockamp arrived at 7:10 p.m. Approval of Minutes - Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Stockamp, moved to approve the minutes of May 8, 2002. Carried 6-0. Review Prairie Park Plan - Commissioners were generally very pleased with the plan and had the following suggestions; • The swing sets should consist of several different poles, with a variety of levels of seats on them. • Staff will check if the triangular shaped piece of land just to the west of the park is part of the park or not. • If the piece is part of the park, the trails should be extended into that piece so they can run along the creek. • When the plans are re -drawn, show benches being located along the trails, particularly back by the creek. • See if there is room for a paved trail to run on the north side of the northwest most ball field. That will give people a shorter route from the new parking lot Otsego Creek. Consensus was that Commissioners would like to see plans for the park redrawn to add their suggestions and also to make a larger scaled drawing for easier viewing. Administrator Robertson said he would have the City Planner change the plans and have the City Engineer start estimating costs for a parking lot, well and irrigation system, and a power line extension to serve the Park Shelter and lights for the ball fields. Review Mississippi Pines Park Plan - Commissioners were in consensus that they hated the title "Mississippi Pines Park" even as a working draft title. Commissioners were concerned that the park might be perceived as only for Mississippi Pines residents and not for the public. After discussion CM Struthers said he would ask the Heritage Preservation Commission for suggestions of either prominent early citizens or former neighborhood place names to provide a list of possible park names. Commissioners asked that the parking lot be flipped around so that the bulk of the lot was closer to the intersection of Kadler and 101St Street. They also asked if the entrance could be closer to Kadler. Consensus was to remove all the trees at the corner of 101St & Kadler, place the park sign and the parking lot in that area so as to make the park as visible as possible to the public. Commissioners also asked to add a paved trail from the northeast part of the park to the trail along Kadler. Commissioners were in consensus that they would like to review the park plan again and that they would then hold a public meeting early in the fall and invite all Island View, Mississippi Pines, and area residents to view the park plans and voice their opinion. City Update - CM Struthers and Administrator Robertson updated Commissioners on recent City business. Heritage Festival - Commissioner Cassady and CM Struthers updated Commissioners on the plans for the Heritage Festival. Budget - Commissioners asked for a preliminary budget at the next meeting and said that they were planning to request a part-time recreational coordinator for 2003. Haunted House - Commissioner Day asked that Haunted House planning be added to the next agenda. Adjournment - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Stockamp, moved to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Carried 6-0. A - & Michael Robertson, City Administrator