07-10-02 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 10, 2002 - 7:00 PM 1. Chair Mike Day will call meeting to order. Mike Day called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Mike Day, Tom Constant, Pauline Nelson, Terry Long, and Rose Cassady. Absent: Jessica Stockamp, Jim Gaikowski, and Tom Baillargeon. Councilmembers: CM Susan Ackerman & CM Jerry Struthers. Approval of Agenda - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Long, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Carried 5-0. Approval of Minutes - Commissioner Day, seconded by Commissioner Cassady, moved to approve the minutes of June 12, 2002. Carried 5-0. City Update - Commissioners were in consensus to accept the recommendation of the Heritage Preservation Commission to name the new park located at Kadler Avenue and 101St Street Lily Pond Park. Budget - Commissioners discussed the preliminary 2003 budget. Commissioners asked that a detailed breakdown of all items, including expenditures for the first half of 2002, be available at the next meeting. Commissioner Day, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to recommend that the 2003 budget be set at $10,000 for recreation and that a Recreation Coordinator be added at $20,000. Carried 5-0. Haunted House - Commissioner Day noted that the various room sponsors should be contacted before the next meeting. Adjournment - Commissioner Long, seconded by Commissioner Cassady, moved to adjourn. Carried 5-0. Michael Day, Chair