07-10-02 PRMEMO Date: July 1, 2002 To: Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: City Update I will not be able to attend the July Park & Recreation Commission meeting so I thought I would provide an update on the following items. 1) Northwest Otsego Park - Cynthia is on maternity leave and has not made the requested changes to the plan yet. This should not change the process discussed last meeting of having a public meeting in September or October for the neighborhoods to review the plan. Councilmember Struthers should be bringing some recommendations for park names from the HPC so hopefully you can determine a name acceptable to everybody. 2) 2003 Budget - A copy of the 2002 Park & Recreation budget is enclosed. Please make any proposed changes, additions, deletions to it you desire and then leave a copy of those changes for me. Council begins reviewing the proposed 2003 budget later this month. 3) Waterfront Development - Besides Blackwoods restaurant, the Waterfront development has also had a bank and a convenience store approved and has submitted plans for approval of a retail building. 4) Northeast Parrish Grant - Council has authorized preparation of the grant application for northeast Parrish Avenue. At this point approximately 75% of the 25 homes that are wholly or partially in the floodplain have agreed to participate. A answer to the grant application would not be expected for at least a year. City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Park Maintenance Service Activity Number 45200 Code Item 202 Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages 102 Overtime 121 PERA 122 FICA 126 Medicare 123 Health & Dental 130 Disability Total Personal Services Supplies 320 202 Gas & oil 203 General supplies 210 Operating supplies 250 Merchandise for resale 220 R & M supplies Total Supplies Other Services and Charges 320 Telephone 355 Dues & memberships 360 Education/training/conf. 350 Printing & publishing 430 Fertilizer/weed control 310 Miscellaneous Total Other Services and Charges Contractual Charges 302 Engineering 400 R & M equip/park maint. 410 Rentals 440 Recreation programming 430 Miscellaneous/other 390 Contracted mowing Total Contractual Charges & Services Total Service Activity Thru Proposed 1999 2000 2001 June 30, 2002 Actual Actual Budget 2001 Budget $ 650 $ - $ 1,200 $ - $ 1,200 650 - 1,200 - 1,200 553 553 - - 1,000 1,000 - - - 180 - 10,600 12,575 12,575 995 12,575 7,474 7,669 9,000 1,455 7,500 18,074 20,244 22,575 2,630 21,075 $ 19,277 $ 20,244 $ 23,775 $ 2,630 $ 22,275 Recreation programming is the local activities organized by the Parks Commission and the $12,575 will be transferred to a separate fund. -23- 7/1/2002