08-14-02 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 14, 2002 - 7:00 PM 1. Chair Mike Day will call meeting to order. Mike Day called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Mike Day, Tom Constant, Pauline Nelson, Jessica Stockamp, Jim Gaikowski, and Rose Cassady. Absent: Terry Long and Tom Baillargeon. Councilmembers: CM Jerry Struthers. Approval of Agenda - Commissioner Constant, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Carried 6-0. Approval of Minutes - Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Constant, moved to approve the minutes of July, 10, 2002. Carried 6-0. Preliminary 2003 Budget - Commissioners discussed the 2003 budget. Commissioners asked that Mike Robertson attend the next meeting to give them a more detailed explanation of the budget. Commissioner Day, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to recommend the following description of duties for a Recreation Coordinator. "To promote City recreation activities, to provide the citizens with events and sporting opportunities by regular communication and direct organization of activities, including T -ball, soccer, basket weaving, softball, volleyball, park activities, contests, horse shoes, zoo mobile, bookmobile, crafts, senior day trips, sledding, hockey, skating, broomball, snowmobile, cross country skiing, snow shoeing, bike parade, and baby sitting class" Carried 6-0. Haunted House - Commissioners set the Haunted House dates for Saturday, October 19, Friday October 25, and Saturday, October 26. City Update - Commissioners discussed the Fall Festival planned for September 21, 2002. Adjournment - Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Cassady, moved to adjourn. Carried 6-0. Michael D y, Chair