03-12-03 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 12, 2003 - 7:00 PM 1. Call to order. Chair Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Jeff Bartheld, Terry Long, Jim Gaikowski, Mark Thorsted, Pauline Nelson, and Peter Torresani. Absent: Jessica Stockamp and Rose Cassady. Councilmembers: CM Jerry Struthers. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson Approval of Agenda - Chair Bartheld added 6.B., Youth Membership. Commissioner Long, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Carried 6- 0. Approval of February 11, 2003 Minutes - Commissioner Long, seconded by Commission Torresani, moved to approve the February 11, 2003 minutes. Carried 6-0. Review of Park Construction Bids - Commissioners reviewed the park construction bids. Administrator Robertson indicated that the City had approximately $1,250,000 in park funds available and that the low bid was $1,410,000. Commissioners designated approximately $250,000 of line items that could be removed from the bids. Chair Bartheld asked Administrator Robertson to present to the City Council two concepts. A) That after removal of $250,000 in line items that the Council allow all three parks to be constructed, that irrigation be added to all three parks, and that the City cover additional costs with a temporary loan that would be paid back from park funds generated by new development in the next two years; or, B) That the Council delay the implementation of Lily Pond Park for a year or two since the new development on that side of the City can be expected to generate enough park funds to pay for the park. Park & Recreation Commission, March 12, 2003 Page 2 Commissioner Long presented a petition with 143 signatures of people who stated that they would use a skate park. His daughter had gathered the signatures at grades 7-10 at St. Michael -Albertville school where she attends. Commissioner Long noted that since there was interest in a skate park that the City should try to fulfill it. There was discussion of the size of ramps at the skate park. Robertson stated that if the ramps were under 3 feet high the City's insurer would not charge any additional insurance. If the ramps were over 3 feet high and there was an attendant on site, the insurer would charge an additional $2,000 a year for liability coverage. If the ramps were higher than 3 feet and there was no attendant on site, the insurer would not provide any coverage. City Update - Administrator Robertson and Councilmember Struthers updated Commissioners on the Arbor Creek development, MNDOT plans for Highway 101 and I-94, Waterfront East plans, and the City's budget situation. Haunted House - Chair Bartheld said that he had nothing to report on the Haunted House. Youth Membership - Commissioners suggested that the criteria for youth membership include both boys and girls, age 14 or so, willingness to attend and speak out at Park Commission meetings, an Otsego resident with a good GPA, and taking a government class. Chair Bartheld said he had contacted the schools but had not been able to set up a meeting yet to discuss this proposal. Adjournment - Commissioner Torresani, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to adjourn at9:23 p.m. Carried 6-0. Michael Robertson, City Administrator