05-14-03 PRMEMO Date: April 24, 2003 To: Mayor & Council Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Park Construction Update I met with the contractor, American Liberty Construction, who will be doing the work in our parks this summer. They will be starting work in Prairie Park in early May. Each sub -contractor will come in, do their work in Prairie Park, and then move to School Knoll Park to do their work. They expect that most of the new play equipment will not be installed until August. They anticipate being done by Labor Day. If they are not done by the time of the Otsego Festival (September 13) they will have the site cleaned up for the festival. Damon Farber will have an estimate for construction observation and management to us, but they expect that it will run in the $10,000-15,000 range. Damon Farber and I will meet with the contractor every two weeks to review the contractor's work. If you have any questions/concerns about the contractor's work, please call me immediately with them.