06-11-03 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 11, 2003 - 7:00 PM 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. The meeting was proceeded by a tour of potential park sites in West Otsego. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Terry Long, Mark Thorsted, Jessica Stockamp, Peter Torresani, and Rose Cassady. Absent: Jeff Bartheld, Jim Gaikowski, and Pauline Nelson. Councilmembers: None. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson Approval of May 14, 2003 Minutes - Commissioner Long, seconded by Commissioner Cassady, moved to approve the May 14, 2003 minutes. Carried 5-0. Park Site Review - Commissioners agreed that both the Weidenbach site and the Turnquist site would make nice parks. They were strongly supportive of a trail running along the creek through Weidenbach's to the Mississippi River. City Update - Administrator Robertson updated Commissioners on Council actions. Haunted House - Commissioners reviewed what they found during inventory of the Haunted House. Festival - Commissioners discussed whether to have a booth at the Otsego Festival on September 13, 2003 and decided to discuss it further at the next meeting. Adjournment - Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, moved to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Carried 6-0. Michael Robertson, City Administrator