11-12-03 PROTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 2003 Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & recreation Commission: Chair Pauline Nelson, Co Chair Jessica Stockamp, Peter Torresani, Rose Cassady and Mark Thorsted. Counsel members: CM Scharber and CM Struthers Staff: None present Approval of the November 12, 2003 Agenda — The following agenda was added; 5A Skateboard Contest, 5B Ice Rink, 5C Safety at the School Knoll Park and Prairie Park and 5D Park Construction Errors and Accountability. C. Torresani made motion to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by C. Cassady. 5-0 Approval of October 1, 2003 Minutes — C. Stockamp, seconded by C. Torresani. 5-0 Santa Day — After discussion it was decided to have Santa Day for Otsego on Saturday Dec. 13`", 2003. Location to be City Hall and hours 1 lam to 2pm. Project leaders to be C. Stockamp and C. Cassady. C. Stockamp is checking photographers and C.Cassady will purchase a Santa Suite on behalf of P & E. Motion to approve was made by C. Cassady, seconded by C. Torresani. 5-0 Flag Club Site — After discussion on the request from Gerald Gordon for a flying club site it was decided that it is not possible at this time. In order to have future consideration the Park and Rec. Commission would need to be provided with statistics as to number of users in our area etc. Recreation Ideas - All members would like to see more recreational ideas be implemented in Otsego. All agreed that if there were a Recreation Director it would be that person's responsibility to coordinate these efforts. However, in the interim the Commission has decided that each Commissioner would pick a project to manage from start to finish. I.e.: Rose and Jessica have Santa Day, Terry has haunted house. Each member agreed to bring 1 idea to the next meeting. Safety at School Knoll and Prairie Park — Commissioners wanted to know who did the inspections on the new parks. School Knoll Park is missing cement on one of the bars and it can cause injury. Prairie Park has concrete at the bottom of the sliding hill that must be moved or will cause injury. C. Torresani also questioned why there is concrete around the horseshoe pits, he feels it should be wood and why is there a tree hanging over the volleyball courts. City Update — CM. Scharber and CM Struthers updated Commissioners on Council Actions. Next Regular P & E Meeting Date Change — C. Torresani motioned to change next meeting date from 12-10-03 to 12-12-03, seconded by C.Cassady. Adjournment — C. Thorsted, seconded by C.Stockamp. 8:45pm 5-0