12-12-03 PROTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 2003 Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m Roll Call: Park & recreation Commission: Chair Pauline Nelson, Co Chair Jessica Stockamp, Peter Torresani, Rose Cassady. Mark Thorsted arrived at 7:25. Counsel members: CM Scharber and CM Struthers Staff: None present Approval of the December 12 2003 Agenda —C. Torresani made motion to approve the agenda, seconded by C. Stockamp. 4-0 Approval of November 12 2003 Minutes — C. Stockamp, seconded by C. Cassady. 4-0 Horses in Prairie Park — Krishona Martinson resident was present and represented a group of approx. 6-8 people that ride horses in the immediate area. After discussion, a motion to approve the removal of the `No Horses' sign based on information from Ms. Martinson who advised that the riders only use the line on the South Side of the City Hall parking lot and that they always clean up any horse poop. Commissioners advised her that if there are any further complaints or any horse poop is found commissioners will recommend that the signs be put back in place. C. Torresani, seconded by C. Stockamp. 5-0 Lily Pond Park Review — Plans were not made available to the commissioners so they were unable to review. commissioners would like plans made available at the next P & R meeting. Recreation Ideas — Commission members each brought a recreation idea to the meeting that they would facilitate. C.Cassady and C.Stockamp already facilitated the Santa Day for Otsego. C. Long volunteered for the Haunted House. C. Torresani is facilitating the Ice Rink. C. Nelson will facilitate a tree sale and possible flower market in the spring. C.Thorsted will facilitate a Bingo Night for seniors. Safety at School Knoll and Prairie Park — Per a memo from Mike Robertson, Damon Farbor will be present at a winter meeting to answer questions on safety and practicality issues for current parks and for possible future parks. City Update — CM. Scharber and CM Struthers updated Commissioners on Council Actions Adjournment — C. Cassady, seconded by C.Torresani. 8:20pm 5-0