03-632003-63 RESOLUTIONS OF GOVERNING BODY AND INCUMBENCY CERTIFICATE (LEASE -PURCHASE AGREEMENT) HEREBY CER 1-11'Y as follows: I . i am the duly elected or appointed and actin, Secretary/Clerk of and official custodian of certain records of .i y . ;� ("Lessee"), a political subdivision or a,ency duly organized and existing tinder the laws of the State of _-_-_-__/�f That the following is a true and accurate transcript of resolutions duly adopted at a meeting of the governing body of Lessee held on the day of2(Qat which meeting there was present and acting throughout a quorurn authorized to transac c business hereinalier described and that said resolution has not been amended or revoked and is in full force and effect: WHEREAS, the governing body of the lessee has detcnTtined that a true and very real need exists liar [tie acquisition of the equipment described in the Leasc Agreement presented to this meeting: and WHEREAS, the goveming body of the Lessee has taken necessary steps, including any legal bidding requirements, to arrange for the acquisition ol'such equiptnent. RESOLVED, that the Lessee enter into a (_,ease Agreement to be assigned to DaimlerChrysler Services North America LLC, in substantially the form presented to this meeting, and that the representatives of the Lessee whose names and signatures are set forth below, and each of them, hereby are authorized: (a) to execute and deliver said Lease Agreement in the name and on behalf of the i.essec, either in the form presented to this meeting or with such changes therein as the representative of 1_cssce executing the same may approve, his or her approval and authority to be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution thereof, such execution to be valid and binding on the Lessee with or without the seal of the Lessee; (b) to carry out the obligations and enforce the rights of the Lessee under said Lease Agreement; (c) to execute and deliver in the narne and on behalf of the Lessee such other documents as may be requested or required by DaimlerChrysler Services North America LLC in connection with said Lease Agreement (d) to exercise any renewal, purchase, or other option of the Lessee under said Lease Agreement: and (c) to take all other action deemed by them necessary or advisable in connection with the foregoing. RLSOLVLD, that any actions previously taken by any representative ol'the Lessee identified below in connection with said Lease Agreement arc hereby ratified and approved in all respects. 3. That the persons listed below are duly authorized representatives of the Lessee in the capacity set forth opposite their names and that their signatures are true and correct and, as of the date hereof, have proper authority to execute and deliver the above-rcicrertced Lease Agreement and any documents required in connection therewith, and shall continue to have such authority until the Lessee notifies DaimlerChrysler Services North America LLC otherwise. %� Titic(s) Samnle Si�,nnhrre - into set my hand and affixed the seal of the LCSSCP, this�0 day of u,& &-\ - 'C�t Secretary / Clcrk