05-14-12 SCC0 �seK o MINNESOTA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: May 11, 2012 Subject: Public Works and City Hall Projects Kinghorn Construction, construction manager for the Public Works and City Hall projects, has completed soliciting quotes for the build -out of the Public Works facility to house City Hall staff. John Studer and Grady Kinghorn from Kinghorn Construction will be at the workshop to present the project cost as proposed, possible project deductions, and to answer questions about the project. Department heads worked with Kinghorn Construction to develop an efficient layout that maximizes the use of available space. Bids were solicited based on that design. As you know, one of the goals in the design was to maintain as much of the natural light as possible. With a minor revision to the original design, a larger area is available for office and workstation space that is open to the windows. Both the original design and the revised design are attached for your review. The costs for the revisions are minor as the walls are just being relocated. The third attachment is the project cost based on the original design. The project cost as quoted is just over $130,000, The design focuses on more features in the public areas of the building such as a glass wall in the conference room and new counter that meets ADA requirements and provides space for two employees. Of course, as with any project there are several deductions that can be made to reduce the project cost. Some of those items include: 1. Changing the door hardware on the second floor to a cheaper hardware that will still work well. (recommended) 2. The carpet grade could be reduced. 3. The glass wall in the conference room could be eliminated. Additionally, the low voltage cost is a worst case estimate. At Monday's meeting, staff will provide an update amount of wiring completed with the original building project. There are several items such as a dishwasher for the lunch room and signage that are not included in the cost estimate. As you will recall, in addition to the building project costs, the parking at the Public Works facility needs to be expanded. We are currently reviewing the design and number of stalls to determine if the lot can be downsized. Attached are the funding sources for this project as identified in during the Capital improvement Plan discussions. However, at this week's Administrative Subcommittee meeting an alternate financing plan was proposed. The concept is that the roof, heating and air conditioning, and ADA improvements need to be made at City Hall whether it remains City Hall or becomes a community center. For that reason, those costs are proposed to come from the Revolving Capital Improvement Fund instead of the Community Facilities Fund. The Revolving Capital Improvement Fund currently has almost $800,000 with additional ongoing special assessment revenue of around $350,000 in the next five years. The only other projects proposed out of this fund are entrance signs, emergency sirens, and Waterfront East park improvements of $70,000. In other words, there is adequate funding in the Revolving Capital Improvement Fund for both the City Hall and Public Works improvements with funds remaining for other future projects. The change leaves more money in the Community Facilities Fund to pay for park projects. If City Hall becomes a community center, the Community Facilities Fund would pay for the interior remodeling to redesign the space into community center space. Finally, staff and the construction managers will be at Monday's meeting to go over this project in detail. If the City Council feels that a community center is a beneficial amenity for the City, this is the most effective and inexpensive way possible. If this project proceeds, the residents will have the benefit and use of a community center that they wouldn't otherwise have for a small fraction ($130,000 plus community center interior remodeling) of the cost of building a new one. litOc o H] 1 I 1 Mill Oo f - 4 p td SSSS;� Aiog a O Q litOc o H] 1 I 1 Mill f 1 �l rl o-1 - 1 f 1 �l SL=k5WV 91N At a MMAdOD NLL wansu Lrr wlwwo k I I I I I 1 r I I I SNYId 800! CSL•+•`� qpR �1 N� Ql.'[ Qh06)0' 1 I11� 1 I p I ��77//��TTTT��nn��''77((yd�T/A�d PLVLI✓11a SNSMOHOM i r6o6:ror V — V KA II II I r I I I I I I <l6LM 1f111M1W U.O $i Q� Q Q Q Q Q Q Q NY-:'aA3, pN VJ.OS3NNIW 093510 13OOW3211NVAaL A.Ll7OYW 37NOM9/79ndo9.7VO 1DBfONd aloe i6 -W 04mrsam WL DRg—i-Ad-ANOVA od6w1 grNW� +//6� .Na/N' 6si�0liyDle N Irl\Orov �� K 0 inq Aorn COMPANY GENERAL CONTRACTORS CSI Divisions Cost Estimate Job: Otsego City Office Prepared By: Kinghorn Construction Location: Otsego 14198 Northdale Blvd Prepared For: Lori Johnson Rogers, MN 55374 Architect: NA Structural Engineer: NA Site Engineer: NA Date: April 30, 2012 1 General requirements $ 7,880.00 6 Wood & Plastics S 26,345.00 8 Doors & Windows $ 14,050.00 9 Finishes $ 43,145.00 15 Mechanical $ 7,385.00 16 Electrical $ 20,370.00 17 Design /Interior Design $ 4,900.00 Profit & Overhead $ 8,065.00 TOTAL BUILDING COST I $ 132,140.00 Note: This price does not include city fees for building permit ;leaning, Dumpsters, Project Coordination, Insurance, Temporary construction .asework, Countertops, fasteners Metal Frame, wood door, Hardware, Aluminum entrance, Controls Painting, Gypsum board assemblies, Demo, Acoustical ceiling patch, Carpet, Window coverings Ilumbing, , Fire Sprinkler, Controls, HVAC _lectrical, Low voltage Possible Deducts 1. Window coverings $ 4,200.00 2. Interior Design $ 2,500.00 3. Broadloom Carpet $ 3,100.00 4. Phone Data by others $ 3,935.00 5. Conference room entrance S 2,600.00 14198 Northdale Blvd. - Rogers, MN 55374 - Tel: 763-428-8088 - Fax: 763-428-8090 City of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2012 t6nl 2016 PROJECTS & FUNDING SOURCES BY DEPARTMENT Departrnent Project# Priority 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total City Facilities City Hall HVAC System FAC -12-001 nla 75,000 75,600 209 Community Facilities Fund 75,000 75,040 City hall Remodeling FAC -12-002 Nei 75,000 75,000 203 Community Facilities Fund 75,000 74000 City Hall AcxessiblRy Improvements FAC -12-003 nl� 40,000 40,000 203 CommunftyFacirities Fund 40,000 40,000 City Hall Roofing FAC -12-004 n1a 136,000 136,000 203 Community Facilities Fund f29,000 129 060 Other local Sources 7,000 7,000 Public Works 2nd Floor Build -Out FAC -12-006 rda 100,000 100,000 414 Revolving Capital Impry 100,000 100,000 Public Works East Parking Lot FAC -12-007 nla 110,000 110,000 414 Revolving Capital lfopry 110,000 110,040 Public Works Building Expansion FAC -12-008 nla 1,900,000 1,900,000 Unfunded 1,900,000 1,900,000 nolitlon of Old Town Hall FAC -12-009 nla 20,000 20,000 414 Revolving Capital lmpry 20,000 20,000 City Facilities Total 536,000 20,000 1,900,000 2,456,000 GRAND TOTAL 336,000 20,000 1,900,000 2,456,000 Page 19 Monday, April 16, 2012 Capital Improvement Plan Citv of Otsego, Minnesota roject # Project Name FAC -I2-001. City Hall HVAC System of HVAC system at City Hall. 2012 thn, 2016 Department City Facilities Contact Publio Works Supervisor Type Equipment Useful Life 15-20 Category General Government Building Priority n/a Total Project Cost: 575,000 Justification The City Hall building was constructed in 1993. The HVAC system is the original equipment with•a usefill life expectancy of 15-20 years. The HVAC system is to be replaced in conjunction with the City Hall roof project with more efficient systems designed to meet the current and planned uses of the building. Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total EciptNehicles/Furnishings 75,000 76,000 Total 75,000 75,000 Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 208 Communitv Facilities Fund 75,000 75,000 Total 75,000 75,000 Page 20 Afonday, April 16, 2012 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # FAC -12-002 Project Name City Hall Remodeling Description Remodel City Hall offices. Justification I 2012 tlrru 2016 Department City Facilities Contact City Administrator Typc Improvement Useful Life _ Category General Government Build! ng Priority n/a Total Project Cost: 575,000 The City Hall building was constructed in 1993. The current Department of Building Safety and Finance Department )ffices were remodeled in 2000. Construction of a conference room and minor remodeling involving carpet, wallpaper ind paint in City Council Chambers and public hallway areas was completed in 2010. Department offices, work areas, ,torage areas and restrooms require updating as carpettflooring and wall treatments have reached the end of their useful Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Capital Improvement 75,000 75,000 Total 75,000 75,000 Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 208 Community Facilities Fund 75,000 75,OD0 Total 75,000 75,000 Page 21 Monday, April 16, 2012 a Capital Improvement Plan 2012 aim 2016 City of Otsego, Minnesota roject# FAC -12-003 'rojectName City Hall Accessibility Improvements access to City Hall for persons with disabilities. Department City Facilities Contact City Administrator Type Building Useful Life Category General Government Building Priority n/a Total Project Cost: S40,000 Justification The City HaII building was constructed in 1993. The building does not have disability accessible access doors, disability accessible restroom facilities, or service counters. The project will involve adding these facilities to the existing building to meet current ADA standards. Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Building 40,000 40,000 Total 40,000 401000 Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 208 Community Facilities Fund 4%000 40,000 Total 40,000 40,000 Page 22 Mwtday, April 16, 2012 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project FAC -12-004 ProjectName City Hall Roofing Description 2012 t{u.0 2016 of a pitched roof on the existing City Hall building. Department City Facilities Contact City Administrator Type Building Useful Life Category General Government Building Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $136,000 Justification The City Hall building was constructed in 1993. The flat roof has been replaced once previously and is in need of replacement again due to continued water leaking into the building interior causing damage to walls and furnishings. The project involves constructing a pitched roof over the existing building to eliminate long-term maintenance issues and costs with the original flat roof design. Monies from past insurance claims may be available to fiord a portion of the project. Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Building 136,000 136,000 Total 136,000 136,000 Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 206 Community Facilities Fund 129,000 129,000 Other Local Sources 7,000 7,000 Total 136,000 136,000 Page 23 Monday, April 16. 2012 Capital Improvement Plan 2012 rhrir 2016 Department CityFaciiities City of Otsego, Minnesota Contact City Administrator — - -- --- -- -- ---- -- ---- Type Improvement :oject# FAC -12-006 Useful Life ProjectName Pitblie Worics 2iid FIoor Bliild-Ont Category General Government Building Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $100,000 Description out and furnishing of the second floor of the Public Works building. Justification � Public Works building was constructed in 2005 with the second floor left unfinished to accommodate future iinistrative office needs of the city, The project involves construction of walls, phone, computer, electric, carpet, 1 and window treatments and office furnishings. Buildout of the second floor area will accommodate relocation of administration, finance, and building safety departments from the existing City Hall building to meet current and ire spatial needs at a reasonable cost, Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Suilding 100,000 100,000 Total 100,000 100,000 Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 414 Revolving Capital impry 100,000 100,000 Total 100,000 100,000 Page 24 Monday, April 16, 2012 Capital Improvement Plan 2012 rhrit 2016 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project 9 FAC -12-007 ProjectName Public Works Last Parldng Lot Department City Facilities Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Lnprovement r Useful Life Category General Government Building Priority n/a Description Total Project Cost: 5110,000 of 42 parking stalls on Lot 1, Block 2 Otsego City Campus Addition. Justification The existing Public Works building provides .parking for 20 vehicles. Build -out of the second floor of the Public Works building creates a need for 40 additional parking stalls based on Zoning Ordinance requirements. The project involves construction of asphalt parking with concrete curb for 42 vehicles east of the Public Works building. This parking area will also serve users of the playfields at Prairie Park to the south across 90th Street. Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Capital Improvement 110,000 110,000 Total 110,000 110,000 Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 414 Revolving Capital Impry 110,000 110,000 Total 110,000 110,000 Page 25 Monday, April 16, 2012 Odeo MlMM6'+OTA I 1 1 � I iiiiiiiiiii(1 • 1111111 �I1121 Al a 1 I l f i t 1 1 1 1 U a's1 1 I 1 tit,P-111W) i •'I ' I Irl girl ,u ��. /i 30 ORia16 PN00NG 9ASC `� r 1 •Y• I / / / /'"� I r. i111ilii•iifii�1 I •JJJJ � I I i 1I I FAC -12•-007 PUBLIC WORKS EAST PARKING LOT ®IAn=erson Haon I I i Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota roject # FAC -12-008 Project Name public Works Building Expansion 2012 airu 2016 16,400 sf. expansion of the vehicle storage area of the Public Works building. Department CityFacilitics Contact Publio NVorks Supervisor Type Building Useful Life 1,900,000 2013 2014 2015 Category General Government Building Priority n/a TMO P—Iprf f'Ad! cr_9nn.nno Justification The Public Works building was constructed in 2005 with a 16,400 sf. vehicle storage area. The vehicle storage area is it capacity with additional area needed for equipment to be added as development of the City continues. The Public Works building was designed with a planned 16,400 sf, expansion of the vehicle storage area to the north of the existing Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Building 1,900,000 11900,000 Total Funding Sources 2012 1,900,000 2013 2014 2015 1,900,000 2016 Total Unfunded 1,900,000 1,900,000 Total 1,900,000 1,900,000 Page 26 Monday, April 16, 2012 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Lrp o;ect#FAC-12-009 ojecti\'anre Demolition of Old Town Hall Description 2012 rh,-u 2016 of City owned former Town Hall building and site restoration. Deparhuent City Facilities Contact City Administrator Type Unassigned { Useful Life Category General Government Building Priority zda Total Project Cost, S20,000 Justification The Town Hall building has been basically unused for City purposes since construction of the City Hall building in 1993. The City has not identified a viable public or private long term use for the building. The building is substantially deteriorated, does not meet ADA standards and its condition continues to decline with replacement of the roof, heating system and broken windows known repairs required for reuse. The project proposes to demolish the existing building and remove the existing septic system. Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 .2016 Total Other 20,000 20,000 Total 20,000 20,000 Funding Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 414 Revolving Capital Impry 20,000 20,000 Total 20,000 20,000 Page 27 Monday, April 16, 2012 Source 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 208 Community Facilities rand ( eginning Balance 800,000 (7,200) (7,200) (7,200) (1,200) Revenues and Other Fund Sources Revenue No Funds 0 0 0 0 0 Total Revenues and Other Fund Sources Total Funds Available Exuenditures and Uses Capital Projects & Equipment City Fadlitlas City Hall HVAC System City Hall Remodeling City Hall Accessibility Improvements City Hall Roofing Parks & Reoreat o_q Darkenviald Land'ng Pralde Park Splash Pad WaterTrealmenl l Total Expenditures and Uses Change in Fund Balance Ending Balance Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800,000 (7,200) (7,200) (7,200) (7,200) FAC -12-001 FAC -`12 -002 - FAC -12-003 FAC -12-004 Total P&R-DL12.033 P&R-PP12.001 Total (75,000) 0 0 0 0 (75,000) 0 0 0 0 (40, 000) 0 0 0 0 (129,000) 0 0 0 0 (319,000) 0 0 0 0 (480,700) 0 0 0 0 (7,500) 0 0 0 0 (488,200) 0 0 0 0 (807,200) 0 0 0 0 (807,200) 0 0 0 0 (7,200) (7,200) (7,200) (7,200) (1,200) Pago 107 Monday, April 16, 2012 Source 414 Revolving Capital Ini 'eginning Balance Revenues and Other Fund Sources Other Fund Sources Transfer from Geneial Fund Total Revenues and Other Fund Sources Total Funds Available Expenditures and Uses Capital Projects & Equipment Administration City Entrance Signs (3) City Facill0es Public Works 2nd Floor Build -Out Public Works East Parking Lot Demolition of OJ Tam Hall Parks & Recreation Waterfront East Park Public Safe Emergency Sirens (2) Total Expendifin•es and Uses Change in Fund Balance Ending Balance 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 792,000 561,500 531,500 554,500 604,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 842,000 611,500 581,500 604,500 654,500 ADM -12-001 Total FAC -12-006 FAC -12-007 FAC -12-009 Total P&R-12,047 Total PS -112,001 Total 0 (60,000) 0 0 0 0 (60,000) 0 0 0 (100,000) 0 0 0 0 (f10,000) 0 0 0 0 0' (20,000) 0 0 0 (210,000) (20,000) 0 0 0 (35,000) 0 0 0 (35,000) (35,000) 0 0 0 (35,000) (35,500) 0 (27,000) 0 0 (35,500) 0 (27,000) 0 0 (280,500) (80,000) (27,000) 0 (35,000) (230,500) (30,000) 23,000 50,000 15,000 561,500 531,500 554,500 604,500 6i9,500 Page 113 Monday, AprN 16, 2012