RES 12-21CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2012-21 RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN CITY REAL PROPERTY AS SURPLUS PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING SALE WHEREAS, certain real property owned by the City and depicted and legally described on the attached Exhibit A no longer serves any useful City function; and WHEREAS, the property previously contained a house which was at one time rented, but has now been removed along with the septic system; and WHEREAS, a City roadway has been constructed and maintained upon a portion of the described property; and WHEREAS, conveyance of the property to private individuals will not affect the City Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows: 1. That the real property described on Exhibit A is hereby declared surplus City property. 2. That sale of the described real property has no relationship to the City Comprehensive Plan and thus there is no need for Planning Commission review as set forth in Minnesota Statute 462.356, Subdivision 2. 3. City staff is hereby authorized to proceed with sale of the described real property, subject to the described easement for roadway, drainage and utility purposes. ADOPTED this 26th day of March, 2012. MOTION BY: CM HEIDNER SECONDED BY: CM SCHROEDER IN FAVOR: MAYOR STOCKAMP; COUNCILMEMBERS: HEIDNER, SCHROEDER, SCHARBER AND DARKENWALD OPPOSED: NONE CITY OF OTSEGO (yvftuov&eL Jessica Stockamp, M yor ACA; —VAQ4Q Tami Loff, Nty Clerk Nalhwl Caner of Werk 75 F�Awpped Lp. RLTsEsoS0122e7 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 5 I I I I I I A I I I I I I u lv 1 1 --------J L_______J I I 1 ------ I I I I � I I I 1 g�gl I I B I I w�I I I I 3 I I •I I I I 9 I 1 I I B la I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I -.memoo, of MISSISSIPPI RIVER --i- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Eee..f Rb o. pa aodd olwt•waM R Black 78, the east half of wcated C Street and the west seen AWU 13, zoos half of wanted B Street as per the recorded plat of TOWNSITE OF OTSEGO, Wright County, Minnesota. I Subject to a permanent easement for roadway, utility and drainage purposes over I i I i I I I under and across the following described properly j I v i i I i That part of said Block 78, the cost half of vacated C Street and the west � L_______J I I I I I half of vacated B Street lying northerly of the following described line and Its i extensions. Imo` ; I i I I 14r l C I I i jw�l j 1 i Beginning at a point on the centerl(ne of sold C Street at the Intersection with the extension of the southerly line of Third Street (96th Street N.E.); thence southeasterly to the intersection with a line 33.00 feet south of the south line Third Street (96th Street N.E.) 3 I I I lesg tree 3 I of sold I and the east line of Lot 10, sold Block 78; thence east along said line 33.00 I j I I• a IF^ I I feet south of and parallel to the south line f Third Street (96th Street N.E.) to the 8 k I� I e centerline of said Street and sold line there terminating. Together with that part of sold BI«k 78 and the east half ofwcated B Street lying northerly at a line 88.00 feet south of and parallel with the north line of cold Block 78 and east of a line 110.00 feet west of and parallel with the centerline of said vacated B Street 'tM dm ONa0% /7ReohIN r 1 I I I � 1 I '---'"----a----�---se----�-'T'-}--'u'i----bd I ---1---------f------- N --1h. & Me bf Mock e2 I t•I I I YM N.'m. of 04 77-' I 77 1?� Is•2 /11AI IC' Ff r,\H n-1 I VV I VI I l a rrii i i I kn I I I� lag g� i I I 14r l I -I I i Denotes Street, Drainage k Utility E.—lent _ •-6NYq -IC Fear Canty Pmt i I fiiRy STREET I O I is -C- r-------------�/ --� \ t,-nw w s,e m eleek 7e Y pr wROM'?, 7 T� 1 �� 1 1 1 1 r.. I i I• w a--� ----I �. 1 I I m i I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 al 7sI iI I 7M s. INe -f Ise�w 77-� /4 E -1i u.. nxw _L --- Y Plot 0.- ------ e -t Canty .f L.l ] r) TDVM= or atSECo 2 •F•n ko.------- ------------i---------j— I ' t ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' I ' I I tett I I t offs -7- - T- C.We,. of CSNUS—;' a treed aRCNsau ao¢ -axe--------rd-- C0. RD. 39 l 95th ST. NE ^ ---- - h� - nr - N I I i ----'0--I ------ [>I�� I \IvvGl `LEGEND o - .m meemaL aL w �e.tr .nh a.. tr teem W - hlylia. F./..Id N f� Q a .e se sratc w ran 7 T� 1 �� 1 1 1 1 r.. I i I• w a--� ----I �. 1 I I m i I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 al 7sI iI I 7M s. INe -f Ise�w 77-� /4 E -1i u.. nxw _L --- Y Plot 0.- ------ e -t Canty .f L.l ] r) TDVM= or atSECo 2 •F•n ko.------- ------------i---------j— I ' t ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' I ' I I tett I I t offs -7- - T- C.We,. of CSNUS—;' a treed aRCNsau ao¢ -axe--------rd-- C0. RD. 39 l 95th ST. NE ^ ---- - h� - nr - N I I i ----'0--I ------ [>I�� I \IvvGl `LEGEND o - .m meemaL aL w �e.tr .nh a.. tr teem W - hlylia. F./..Id N f� Q a .e se sratc w ran