RES 12-35CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2012-35 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 2012-26 ESTABLISHING PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Minnesota has been redistricted based on the results of the 2010 US Census; and, WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute Section 204B.14, subd. 3 (d) requires that precinct boundaries must be reestablished within sixty (60) days of when the legislature has been redistricted or at least nineteen (19) weeks before the state primary election, whichever comes first; and, WHEREAS, the City Clerk has developed proposed precincts and precinct boundaries based on legislature district boundaries and US Census Tract boundaries as shown on the map attached as Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the City adopted Resolution No. 2012-26 on March 26, 2012 establishing precincts and polling places, which was subsequently transmitted to the office of the Minnesota Secretary of State; and WHEREAS, the Secretary of State responded by requesting technical changes in the Precinct designations and descriptions; and WHEREAS, said technical changes are included in the descriptions contained in this Resolution which supersede, replace and modify the descriptions contained in Resolution 2012-26; and WHEREAS, residents shall be responsible to verify with the City Clerk the precinct assignment for their property in addition to consulting this Resolution, including Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Otsego, County of Wright, and State of Minnesota hereby establishes these modified voting precinct designations and descriptions and polling places as graphically depicted on Exhibit A in place of the designations and descriptions contained in Otsego Resolution No. 2012-26 and summarized as follows: Precinct IA (City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE): That part of the City lying southerly and westerly of the following described line; Beginning at the intersection of the east line of the City and N.E. River Road (C.S.A.H. 42) thence west along the N.E. River Road (C.S.A.H. 42) to N.E. 65' Street; thence west along N.E. 65th Street and its extension to State Highway 101; thence north along State Highway 101 to N.E. 70th Street; thence west along N.E. 70th Street to N.E. Odean Avenue; thence north along N.E. Odean Avenue to N.E. 85th Street; thence west along N.E. 85th Street to N.E. Nashua Avenue; thence north along N.E. Nashua Avenue to the 95th Street(C.S.A.H. 39); thence west along N.E. 95th Street (C.S.A.H. 39) to the intersection with the west line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 24 being the boundary between Elk River (as shown on SY 2010-11 ISD 728 map) and Monticello (as shown on SY 5-2-2007 ISD 882 map) School Districts; thence north along said west line and school districts boundary to the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and a corner of the school districts boundary; thence east along the north line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the school districts boundary to the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and school districts corner; thence north along the east line of Government Lot 2; said Section 13 and the boundary between the Elk River and Monticello School districts to the north line of the City of Otsego. Precinct 2A (Otsego Elementary, 8125 River Road NE): That part of the city described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly boundary of the City and N.E. Parrish Avenue (C.S.A.H. No. 42); thence south along N.E. Parrish Avenue and the N.E. River Road (C.S.A.H. 42) to the intersection with State Highway 101; thence south along State Highway 101 to N.E. 70th Street (C.S.A.H. No. 37); thence west along N.E. 70th Street to N.E. Odean Avenue; thence north along N.E. Odean Avenue to N.E. 85th Street, thence west along N.E. 85th Street to N.E. Nashua Avenue; thence north along N.E. Nashua Avenue to 95th Street (CSAR 39); thence west along N.E. 95thStreet (C.S.A.H 39) to the intersection with the west line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 24 being the boundary between Elk River (as shown on 2010-11 ISD 728 map) and Monticello (as shown on SY 5-2-2007 ISD 882 map) School Districts; thence north along said west line and the school districts boundary to the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and a corner of the school districts boundary; thence east along the north line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the school districts boundary to the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and a corner of the school districts 2 boundary; thence north along the east line of Government Lot 2, said Section 13 and the boundary between the Elk River and Monticello School Districts to the north line of the City of Otsego; thence easterly along said north line of the City of Otsego to the point of beginning. Precinct 3 (combined polling location with Precinct 2A, Otsego Elementary, 8125 River Road NE): That part of the City lying easterly and northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly boundary of the City and N.E. Parrish Avenue (C.S.A.H. No. 42) thence south along N.E. Parrish Avenue and the N.E. River Road (C.S.A.H. 42) to State Highway 101; thence southerly along State Highway 101 to N.E. 65�h Street; thence easterly along N.E. 65th Street and its extensions to the N.E. River Road (C.S.A.H. 42); thence easterly along the N.E. River Road to the east line of the City. MOTION BY: CM HEIDNER SECOND BY: CM SCHARBER ALL IN FAVOR: MAYOR STOCKAMP; COUNCIIMEMEBRS: HEIDNER, SCHARBER AND DARKENWALD THOSE OPPOSED: NONE ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23 t day of April 2012. CITY OF OTSEGO 0AI X) g � At Jes4ica Stockamp, Mayor dvvu� Tami Loff, City Clerk 3 .ti nlCITY OF -.,O(.. 3 Hakanson lAllAnderson