RES 12-42RESOLUTION NO. 2012-42 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR 70TH STREET NE IMPROVEMENTS, FROM LAMBERT LANE TO ODEAN AVENUE NE WHEREAS, the City Council ordered the preparation of a feasibility study for the improvement; and WHEREAS, such feasibility study was prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. and presented to the Council on the 14th day of May 2012 and declares the improvement feasible, for an estimated cost of $2,765,000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is necessary, cost—effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. Adopted by the council this 14th day of May 2012. Motioned By: CM DARKENWALD Seconded By: CM SCHARBER Allin Favor: MAYOR STOCKAMP; CM DARKENWALD, CM SCHARBER, CM HEIDNER AND CM SCHROEDER Those Opposed: NONE Tami Loff, Clerk ot388ResAcceptFeasRpt 46ssica Stockamp, Mayor