ITEM 8.1 Northwood ParkCITY OF ot NN�SOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING RATE: Parks and Recreation Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation March 21, 2016 Director PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Ross Demant, Parks and Lori Johnson, City Administrator 8.1 Recreation Director AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting the bid from GL Contracting Inc. for the construction of Northwood Park. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? FN A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No O BACKGROUNDIJUSTIFICATION: At the March 23`d, 2015 Otsego City Council meeting, the Council voted to approve a proposal from SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for professional park development services for Northwood Park. Those services include meetings with the Commission, Council, and Staff, developing conceptual designs, assisting in the facilitation of a neighborhood meeting, preparing plans and specifications for the selected park concept, administration of the bid process and coordinating construction. The Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting in June 2015 met with neighbors that surround Northwood Park to receive input on the conceptual designs and park amenities. During that meeting, amenities that were of interest to the neighbors where a larger picnic shelter with architectural elements matching that of the adjacent townhouse buildings, natural features incorporated into the play structures, a play court area, and space for community gardens. All of these requests have been incorporated into the final park concept. Also at that meeting, the Commission chose a preferred design for the physical layout of the park that they felt offered the most amenities for the neighbors and surrounding community. Items like parking stalls were talked about to make sure there was adequate parking for passive park users and ones that may be using the athletic fields. The City Council approved SRF to move forward with preparing plans and specifications and advertising for bids for the construction of Northwood Park at their meeting on October 26th, 2015. The Parks and Recreation Commission voted unanimously at their meeting on October 20th, 2015 to recommend the City Council approve moving forward with the preparation of plans and specifications and advertisement for bids for Northwood Park based on the preferred concept plan and cost estimate. A project estimate of $750,868.65 plus to SRF's fee for planning and project oversight fee of $41,600 for a total cost of $792,468.65 was also presented and approved at the meeting. The amount identified in the Capital Improvement Plan for the construction of Northwood Park is $792, 469. City Staff along with Tim Wold from SRF held the bid opening on February 16th at City Nall. There were nine sealed bids submitted with GL Contracting Inc. submitting the lowest complete bid of $376,179,65. Below is a graph that breaks compares SRF's estimate to the actual amount submitted by GL Contractinf Inc. included in the graph are different aspects of the project that are not a part of GL Contracting Inc.'s bid and alternates both were included in the original SRF estimate. Base Bid (Includes things like earthwork, bituminous, 5% contingency, concrete, and site furnishings) 367,115.65 Base Bid (Includes things like earthwork, bituminous, concrete, and site furnishings) 376,179.65 Playground Equipment 90,000,00 Playground Equipment 90,000.00 Picnic Shelter 46,068.00 Picnic Shelter 46,068.00 Turf Grass Seeding 17,500.00 Turf Grass Seeding 17,500.00 Irrigation 50,000.00 Irrigation 50,000.00 Trail Lighting 88,000.00 Trail Lighting 71,000.00 Landscaping 30,000.00 Landscaping 30,000.00 Survey/ Staking 8,000.00 Survey/ Staking 8,000.00 Design Fees 41,500.00 Design Fees 41,500,00 Total.Before Alternates 738,183 65 Tota[ Before Alternates - . 30,247: 65 Alternates Alternates Steel Pergola 15,000.00 Steel Pergola 15,000.00 Masonry Piers (Picnic Shelter) 10,000.00 Masonry Piers (Picnic Shelter) Bid alternate #1 14,495.20 Bleacher 1,200.00 Bleacher— Bid alternate #2 2,230,00 Ornamental Fencing 25,500.00 Ornamental Fencing —Bid alternate #3 26,579.90 Contingency (5%) 2,585.00 Deduct Split Rail Fencing -2,921.30 Landscaping 5,000.00 Alternates: • Steel Pergola- The pergola would be located southeast corner of the park directly north of Quenroe Ave NE. The pergola would serve as an entrance to the park and add aesthetic value to the surrounding neighborhood. • Masonry Piers (Picnic Shelter) -These piers would surround the first four feet of each of the shelter footings. These piers would match the exterior of the townhouses which are located directly across the street from the park. • Bleacher- Three raw bleacher which would be located directly behind the backstop similar to the one at Zimmer Park which sees minimal use. • Ornamental Fencing- This fencing would be located southeast section of the K-6 playground structure. This fencing is in place to prevent small children from accessing to the road from the playground. This fencing would match the railings that many of the townhouse balconies have which are located directly across the street. This fencing is an alternate to the current split rail fence that will be stained black. • Deduct Split Rail Fencing- This deduct would take place if the ornamental fencing was installed. The split rail is currently part of GL Contracting Inc.'s bid. • Landscaping- This would add 20 evergreen trees all 6 foot or taller along the east edge of the park bordering the neighbor's property. The items that are not included in the main contractor bid are items that will be completed by contractors that will work directly with City Staff or SRF. These items were not included in the bid because they were either under a joint purchasing agreement or professional services contract. Staff have received quotes on all of the items except irrigation, currently, the plans and specs for the irrigation are being revised and staff anticipates reviewing quotes within the next two weeks. The balance of the quotes will come to the Council for approval at an upcoming Council meeting. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED © NONE A. Concept Plan B. Bid Tab C. Landscape Plan MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve the bid from GL Contracting Inc. for the construction of Northwood Park including alternates BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES Fund #203 Park Dedication Na ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: �.E]P If] aN � s � � F� 1 �✓ C. o w � w ® o `c -] aQ 'md a� wRc EP Ll co ro a � 49-\0, A N �E +s: e� Q h Vi G U. F UJ N � G O A y a a W" a „ 3 U. m N O me r a ' w anua,}ysuaano z U d Z w 4 I C)o o0 w H 0 H U� 0 7 U � =' �< ;.:: ,. L w Oo Z CL LV 00E, to Q who r- a0a�i�a C7 � QU0LL a °o° 0 Z 3 iB f` t6 t mot ; ) ' r; o 00 Lo 00 O). M 00-, 00j-n h Q 00 LO p Ol d' 00 r] LA Lr): { ci Ol O 1p 00 N , M ; O 3n . Lh ' qj-- V} ? .rn i th in- Il ¢ cn a d I rn d= O O O O O O O: O �O... d '. 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