ITEM 3.6E PSC 2.9.2016 MinutesITEM 3-6E Otsego Public Safety Commission Minutes February % 2016 1) Meeting called to order 6:32pm Roll Call: Mark Driste, Chuck Schauss, Tina Driste, Paul Fields, Jim Breitbach, Greg Hubbard, CM Warenhime, Mayor Stockcamp, Chief Fiest, Chief Cunningham, Chief Bullen, Wright Cty Sherriff Walker Absent: Mark Lucht 2) Meeting agenda approved motion by Paul Fields, 2nd by Chuck Schauss. All in favor. Motion carried. 3) November meeting minutes approved motion by Chuck Strauss, 2nd by Paul Fields, All in favor. Motion carried. 4) Open forum: nothing 5) Public safety: Albertville Fire: January was a quiet month, Carbon monoxide -2 calls one of those calls was a close call. Washing machine installed tomorrow. Elk River Fire: Busy_ January. Will have the 2015 recap next month. ER is getting a wash machine also. Rehab trailer will be ready next month. 2016 Fie Academy — 11 ppl tentative grad date June — anyone on commission wants to sit in on class let ER chief or district chief know. Rogers: 1 Otsego call in January, reviewed 2015 calls Wright County Sherrif£ Nothing much to report, January was quiet 6) Old business— Guest speaker Sgt Curtis Smith Plymouth CERT talked about what CERT is and how Plymouth uses their CERT staff. Reviewed how to get it up and running what the expectation is from the city. No real financial responsibility from the city. 8-10 ppl minimum. Strictly volunteer. It was discussed among the commission how this could benefit the. City of Otsego. The commission would have to commit to being the starting base crew and build from there. Will bring to table next month to brainstorm what could CERT be for Otsego 7) New Business —Ross & Chief Bullen met with City of Elk River to discuss alternating years for hosting the Safety Camp. 2016 will be in Otsego- July 13"', Noon- 4pm. Lunch- 1 hr;police- 1 hr; fire-lhr; helicopter-lhr. Mark Driste talked about bike helmet sales. Bell helmet sells the helmets for $10, Safety commission buys them (possibly in conjunction with Park and Rec) and will sell them for $10 at the Bike Rodeo — no conclusion, needs to further discussed Tami L, contacted Mark regarding e-mails for meeting changes or meeting discussion — REMINDER everything must go to Tami and she will make changes to agenda or send a message to the committee if needed 8) City council mtg update: nothing to report for either Jan 25"' or Feb 8 meeting 9) Future city council meetings: Feb 22-Mark Driste March 14- Chuck Schauss March 28-Paul Fields NEXT MEETING: April 12tt', 2016 6:30pm WRITTEN BY: Tina Driste